26. Intimidation tactics

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Eyeless Jack

The nightly cold was becoming easier to deal with now that I had a thicker coat, the occasional trip out across town to meet Chelsea after closing becoming enjoyable as I used the stolen longboard to shorten my ride. I'd made a habit now of making a detour to the skate park to see if Nina was here and checking in on Pierce to make sure he was doing alright. They'd fixed his window so now he could actually see me whenever I visited and I caught sight of him playing video games as I stopped. He must've seen movement as well because he looked outside and waved to me, the window opening before he pulled his headset down.

"Hey man, how's it hangin'?!"

"I'm good, just doing my nightly rounds." I cracked a grin as I approached the fire escape, hoisting myself up onto the metal and finding where Nina had collided with the railing. Pierce hopped out to join me for a moment as I reached his floor and I slapped his hand. "Any sight of that pale fucker lately?"

"I think Nina scared it off, thank fuck," he sighed, "she's over at the Café with Tanis, apparently she's looking for a job and Chelsea offered."

"Yeah she mentioned something about that, they're understaffed since Sara had her kid," I chuckled, "she'll do fine there. You guys think you'll end up telling her and your other friend about all this?"

"Not unless I really have to. I trust them and all but it's probably better we keep the crazier shit to a minimum."

"Smart kid, don't worry if you do end up needing to talk about it. Sometimes shit happens and your friends seem like they'd understand."

"Yeah, they like Nina and Kitty enough so I'm sure they could look past the whole 'crazy killer' thing," he chuckled to himself, "they're excited for the trip. Didn't you say Toby was going to be there?"

"He's up in Seattle on a task from that big skinny fuckstick so he's going to meet up with us when he's done." I paused when I felt my stomach churn. "Just in time, too. Feels like I could go for a good meal."

"I know this is supposed to be a fun trip and all, but it's also a cover to go out and...y'know, isn't it?"

"In a sick way it is our version of fun, but yeah." I let out a deep breath while I explained, "Nina will probably stick with me, FYI. It's kind of my fault she got a taste for blood in the first place, now she likes to chaperone me on my feeding times."

"What happened?"

"So, back when all the bodies were dropping around here I was trying to watch Kitty to make sure Jeff didn't get to her place, not knowing they were already a pair. Nina came to visit for the Fourth of July and caught me red handed outside with my mask and my scalpel. Blackmailed me into showing her a kill so she wouldn't tell Kitty I was Eyeless Jack. She ended up grabbing my scalpel after the first cut and making the second one herself."

"Damn, she really has always been this crazy," Pierce laughed, a smile pulling on his cheeks, "it's weird, I almost want to see it for myself but at the same time I know it's not pretty. Morbid curiosity, you know? Vlad and Tanis probably wouldn't get it."

"One thing I will say, I thought Kitty's kills were brutal until I watched Nina in action," I told him, loosing a low whistle, "she's like a mix of Jeff, Kitty, and I all in one crazy little package. So if you think you want to watch the show, keep that in mind."

"Yeah, on second thought, I might stay in the car," he said with a sheepish laugh, "still though, I want to get to know her a little more I guess. I already met you guys and I just want to make sure she knows that this mess doesn't really bother me too much."

"Careful with how you go about it. Some things you can't come back from and witnessing a murder is definitely one of them," I warned him but a cheekier smile filled my face. "You like her, don't you?" He promptly bit back his smile and looked the other way. "Yeah, you do."

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