21. Family dinner

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"Oh cool, Chelsea's back! Means we've got a full house if Kitty and Jeff didn't sneak off somewhere."

"Do they do that a lot?"

"It's Kitty, if trouble doesn't come to her she goes and makes it herself."

Our laughter echoed down the street as we picked our boards up, Pierce looking at the front door with a hint of excitement in his eyes. I was glad he was so cool about everything and as I unlocked the door and let it swing open we were greeted with a happy chatter and the smell of roasted turkey. Music echoed from Kitty's room and I could see her on the balcony with Thomas, Jeff and Jules harassing Toby by the couch and not one but two witchy women in the kitchen as they helped my aunt. We ditched our shoes and our boards in the mud room and I led him to the kitchen.

"Delly!" I laughed, hugging her tightly, "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas!" She grinned as she pulled away before giving Pierce a warmer look. "I'm glad to see you up and moving dear, how are you feeling?"

"Definitely wouldn't have thought I almost died last night," he admitted with a sheepish laugh, "so just how are you involved with this whole thing?"

"Just because I'm a school nurse doesn't mean I don't make a little mischief with the murderers," she said with a sly wink. "I adopted Eyeless Jackoff over there when I found him near death on the side of the road. Thomas brought home Kitty and Jules and I've been like a mother hen to them ever since."

"At least someone knows what it's like to watch these kids," Aunt Ginny laughed, "Chelsea dear can you set the table for me?"

"Sure thing!"

Pierce's jaw dropped as Chelsea traced a glittering line in the air, the plates and silverware that had been stacked neatly in the middle sliding to their proper places as she moved them telekinetically. The entire time a grin was plastered to my face while Delilah snickered behind me.

"Show off," she teased as she turned to Pierce, "she learned that from me."

"You can move stuff with your mind?!" He gawked, her laugh echoing in the room.

"Honey, she's the daughter of Morgana le Fay, the witch who helped King Arthur," Chelsea chipped in, "she can do a lot more than just move things."

"When are you going to learn fireball!" Thomas shouted accusingly from the couch and she flipped him off.

"When you start changing out the bong water yourself instead of pouting at me to do it!"

I bit back my giggles as I listened to them, the big smile on Pierce's face assuring me that I'd made the right decision after all. Aunt Ginny shooed us out of the kitchen so they could finish though, Kitty's whistle grabbing my attention and leading us over to the staircase. Jeff and Jules were talking, something I was still surprised to see, and Kitty sipped on a cup of hot buttered rum while she got to her feet. I gladly stole it from her for a sip before handing it back, my body filling with warmth.

"Nice of you two to finally join us!" Jeff teased, his bottle of half finished whiskey split between him and Jules, "what trouble did you get into while you were out?"

"How'd you know we got into trouble?" I huffed.

"Nina-Bean it's you, when do you not get into trouble?" Kitty laughed, a distinct jingling sound coming from her pockets while her shoulders shook.

"She swiped at a guy who was giving me shit with her board and probably broke his nose," Pierce snickered, pointing at Jeff, "I like the shirt, Beartooth is great live."

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