55. In Hell

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All the proxies gathered in the foyer, preparing to set off for the fight while I took a deep breath. Half of these things aren't even human. The little girl waved at me with a big grin while a shiver ran down my spine. How the hell did I ever end up this deep...?

"Your job is to distract anyone opposing us, collecting our prizes along the way. Capture Tobias, Kate, Ann, Firebrand and Kathryn; kill Jeffrey at all costs. Kill Nina at all costs. Am I clear?"

"W-Wait," Rouge piped up instantly, "why Nina?"

"She is a massive external threat and will stop at nothing to release her family from any type of binds. I do not trust her to stay out of my way." Operator lowered his head to look at her more closely. "Is there a problem Heather?"

"N-No, no sir."

"Get fucked," Jane snorted under her breath beside me but truth be told I was uneasy as well, "we'll handle Nina and Jeffrey, sir."

"I will leave them to you then. Prepare yourselves, this may turn into a fight."

It's Jeff and Kitty, no matter what it's a fight. I steadied myself though and in moments we'd been transported to the side of town I knew well, landing outside the Silver Cove Inn and taking a deep breath. It was just Jane and I alone in the fog, the whole town was covered with it and I felt like I was drinking my air as I huffed. She on the other hand started without hesitation and I struggled to follow.

"Where the hell are you going?"

"Easy: it's nine o' clock, last we saw those twerps they were all on skateboards and we passed by a skate park with that girl. Where would a delinquent like that be on a school night with a bunch of monsters in town?"

"Listen, Jane I understand you want revenge but I don't think you understand the lengths she will go to in order to stay alive."

"Whatever, she's a fucking kid, Liu."

That's my point. She's a child, she came to her friend's rescue; sure she was a murderer but something about the memory of that girl coming to get her coat at the Café had stuck with me all this time. She might've been a carbon copy of Jeff and Kitty but deep down I wasn't sure if I could bring myself to strike her down.

We continued to walk for a good twenty minutes before we realized we were lost. Jane swore to herself the whole time as she searched the fog, the only thing that gave me any clue as to where we were being the street sign. From there I was able to at least navigate us to the skate park but it was just as thick here and no one was out, not even the adults.

"I can't believe this, I didn't think the fucking fog would be this bad," Jane snarled as she threw her hands in the air, "there's no way those kids are going to be out here in this, they're probably all cooped up at Kitty's."

"That means hopefully the proxies are handling it," I sighed with relief before I steeled my nerves, "Jane I don't think we should go after them. Stick to the plan, take out Jeff, let the authorities handle Nina."

"Did you let that ugly bitch scare you?" She laughed, a snide grin on her face as she jabbed a finger into my chest and flickered something on inside me, "wow, you're going to pussy out now? No, I think I'm going to string that kid up. She's nothing but pure evil."

"You really shouldn't talk about my family like that."

In seconds the fog lifted, Jane and I both snapping to attention as Kitty made herself very, very apparent. When I saw the glow on Chelsea's fingers beside her I realized all too quick that we'd walked into a trap, pulling my knife and preparing for a fight. A quick glance around though and I realized it was just the three of them. No Thomas, no Habit.

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