22. A bittersweet farewell

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The moment the door closed behind us I wrapped Snow in my arms, carrying her to the bed while her drunken giggles echoed in my ear. She'd turned her music down and all of my things were in a small box on her desk, everything packed and ready to go for when I had to leave. I squeezed her a little tighter as I thought about it and let out a heavy sigh, her hand running up and down my spine beneath my shirt and tracing the old scar from my fight with Thomas.

"You'll call me when you get there, won't you?" She asked quietly and I nodded.

"This could turn out to be absolutely perfect for planning," I told her, looking up at her from my vantage point on her chest, "I like the new lights, by the way."

"All in honor of you," Snow teased, grinning at me before I shifted and let her get up, "you have electricity, right?"

"Yeah we have to. No idea how though."

She produced a roll of lights from beneath her bed, the same color as the ones glowing around us and setting it in my box with a smile. I sat up and reached for her hands, pulling her back down to sit on my lap and wrap her legs around my hips while I held her. Her heartbeat echoed loud and steady, the rhythm soothing while I hummed one of her favorite songs.

"Hey," she started quietly, cupping my cheeks before kissing me, "you've still got one last present to unwrap, sir."

"Oh do I?" I smirked and she kissed me again as my hands slipped beneath her shirt, tracing her waist while she shivered under my touch.

I pulled her hoodie off and to my surprise there was no sweater but a pretty red bra I'd never seen before. A sultry smugness crossed her face and I kissed her again, leaning back onto the blankets and moving to unbutton her jeans while her tongue brushed my lips. I'd turned the tables and pinned her beneath me as I threw my own shirt aside, tugging her jeans from her hips and revealing a matching set of crimson panties that made me grin.

"You are the sexiest woman on this planet, you know that?" I said as I held her tightly against me, her smile full of pride.

"I just wanted to surprise you," she teased, kissing me again before I reached behind her and unclasped the hooks.

"Well color me surprised, I think this is my favorite present!"

Snow's laughter was music to my ears as I finally got out of my jeans and finished removing that beautiful set, hands tracing every curve and line of her body in the red glow of the lights, taking my sweet time with her. I kissed the sword on her sternum and the snake on her side, my favorite tattoo catching in the mirror, the J was visible between my fingers. She slung her legs over my hips and my other hand wrapped in her hair, the pull made her glowing eyes roll back into her skull, nails digging into my back and I sank my teeth into her skin in retaliation. Her whispered curses made me grin and I couldn't stop thinking about how much I loved the look on her face.

A few not-so-stifled moans slipped from both our lips and I practically threw her off of me, her hands gripping the headboard while I slipped back in from behind. I traced the spider thread down her spine, moving slow and steady to let her feel every last inch; she took a sharp breath as I leaned down though, my hand wrapping around her neck to squeeze and getting a rush out of the sharp inhale I heard through her ribcage.

"You can fuck around with Jules all you want," I growled into her ear while she shuddered, "but at the end of the day you're mine, understand?"

"Y-Yes," she shivered as I kissed the spider between her shoulder blades.

"In fact, I want a few more of those little movies for myself," I chuckled and squeezed her hips, "I want your sexy ass all over my screen so I can have a little more fun missing you."

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