44. Mini monster

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It was around one o'clock when I heard a knock on my door. I'd just finally settled down and gotten ahold of myself, my wounds healed but the damage had already been done. Pierce came in after I answered him and he dropped a bag off in the corner of my room before he sat down on the bed, letting me curl into his side and cupping my cheek with his hand.

"How are you feeling?" He asked quietly.

"Like shit," I sniffled as I laughed, "did you change?"

"Jeff went with me so I could grab my overnight stuff. I only brought enough for one day but I don't know if I want to leave for a while."

"I wouldn't mind it if you stayed," I hummed, "don't you have school Monday though?"

"Not like I don't longboard there anyway. I'll actually be closer coming from here instead of the apartment."

"As long as you don't get in trouble."

"Eh, I don't mind trouble," he chuckled to himself while I glared, "do you want to come downstairs? I guess there's someone who wants to meet you."

"Yeah, I'll come down," I nodded with intrigue, letting him help me to my feet. I'd changed as well, Jeff's hoodie still hung around my shoulders and I'd taken my shoes off but I was in jeans now instead of a skirt.

The house was a lot busier than it typically was, damn near almost twenty people alone wandering around the lower floor. Tanis and Vlad were the first people to spot us and they greeted me with massive hugs and gentle questions much like Pierce had, assuring them that I would be alright before they finally backed off.

"I still can't get over watching you fly in to save my ass like that," Tanis laughed, "you guys were awesome."

"Like we'd ever let anything bad happen to you," Pierce teased, "so what do you guys think of Jeff?"

"After watching him jump into the fight like that I definitely don't think I've got a shot with your cousin," Vlad tipped his head back to howl before sipping at a cup full of what I only assumed to be liquor, "fuck Tom makes a good drink."

"Anyone seen my cousin?" I arched an eyebrow curiously as I glanced around. Jules and Kate were on the couch with Toby, the three of them all stinking of weed as I leaned over the back and hugged Toby tightly. Chelsea and Thomas were out here too and Thomas wrapped me in a hug, the smell of cigarettes and beer making me grin.

As we moved back toward the kitchen my Aunt and Delilah both greeted me warmly, fussing over me and making sure I was alright. Everyone else was out back, a bright blue light shooting upward into the sky as I opened the sliding door. Jeff was drunk as a skunk and holding the big lighter in his hands, dancing around as music played and taking a big drink out of the bottle Kitty had saved just for him. My cousin was there as well, a figure I didn't know talking to her and the boys while Tim smoked. Brian was the first one to see me and he called out my name, Jeff's head whipping to the side before anyone else could do a thing and rushing to meet me.

"There's my mini-monster!" He cheered, lifting me off the ground and spinning me around while I cackled. "I saved the big purple shells just for you."

"How sweet," I snickered, grabbing his bottle as he set me back down and taking a few big drinks before handing it back, "I know you've already kind of met but this is Tanis and Vlad. Guys, this is Jeff the Killer himself. AKA my big brother— who still owes me a fight!"

"You still want to fight me tonight after all that crap?!" He cackled, "kid, you're going to kill me."

"You think you can take Jeff on?" Brian whistled, "you really are one crazy kid."

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