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"Chelsea?! We have a massive problem," Pierce spoke as she answered the call, "I think Jane took Tanis, she said we had to meet them at the abandoned apartments with Jeff at midnight or else they're going to kill her!"

"What?! We won't even have Jeff here until then!" She sputtered, "Kitty, the kids are in trouble!"

I grabbed for the phone as my cousin replaced Chelsea, "hey, what the fuck happened?!"

"Jane and Liu have Tanis," I started, motioning for the boys to follow me while I started towards town, "they want Jeff but he won't be here in time. Where are the abandoned apartments?"

"It's further out from the skate park, there's an old overpass and it's right on the other side." She paused. "Nina you can't go there alone."

"I have to, unless one of you can teleport there to help. I don't give a shit who has her, I'm about to fuck them up worse than Jeff did to Claudia."

"Where the fuck is Habit?!" Kitty asked, "fuck! Delilah can't help either."

"Send Jeff when he gets here. I love you Kitty."

I handed the phone back as I picked up the pace, the boys following in close pursuit. Vlad had picked up her board and only grew increasingly more concerned the closer we got, Pierce's face mirroring mine, filled with anger. We zoomed by the skate park and the further from the city we got the more the smoke cleared. I took a deep breath of the fresh air and felt nothing but fire in my lungs as I exhaled.

"These are the guys that attacked you at the Café, aren't they?" Vlad asked.

"Sure are. They want her brother, but they don't know what's going on so we can't make any promises we can't fulfill." Pierce looked back at me. "Are you sure we can take them?"

"What?! We?!"

"Liu's unstable, he pussies out fast if he knows he's about to lose," I explained, "apparently Jane is a little harder to take down but we'll see about that. I'm ready for a cat fight."

As we approached the overpass I couldn't help but look to the side, my Gengar still there and staring back at me. It pushed me forward and the building loomed on the horizon, remembering stories of how Jeff used to sleep here when he first came to town. I'm sure it'll be a trip down memory lane for him. Pierce checked the time and we were here with three minutes to spare, running toward the entrance and noticing blood on the floor past the threshold. I panicked for a moment until I realized there were bodies in the rooms, both the boys balking before Vlad buried his face in his elbow and tried not to puke.

"I can't do this," he said while he shook his head, "Nina those are people, I— I can't."

"Normally I'd let you sit this one out," I turned to him, gripping his jacket tightly, "but this is Tanis. She needs all of us right now, so I need you to nut the fuck up so we can save her."

The direness of the situation must've set in fully and he nodded, getting ahold of himself and letting me lead the way. I stopped for just a moment to tie my hair back, tightening the scrunchie and making sure not a single hair was out of place. Most of the building had rotted over the years but I could see light down one hallway, navigating the darkness with ease while I followed the sound of hushed whispers. As I turned the corner I stumbled upon a makeshift fire at the end of the hall, my adrenaline pumping again before I slammed my knife into the wall beside me, dragging it while I drew nearer. I wanted them to know I was here.

"Oh, you're right on time!" The woman called as I approached the edge of the light. I could see Tanis on the ground, bound but awake, while Liu and Jane stood on either side of her. The boys paused when I did, motioning for them to stay put while I stepped into the glow of the fire. Their faces turned to confusion when they saw me and not Jeff, her black lips pulling into a pout while Liu narrowed his eyes.

Chaos and Corruption (Jeff the Killer Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now