54. Contract complete

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The look of pure confidence in Thomas' face as he saw me launch over that ridge lit a fire in my veins like nothing else. Delilah opened the portal just as I was about to hit the ground, allowing me instead to roll into a snowbank with a big red target painted on the side. Bullseye.

"What a rush!" I cackled as I pulled myself out, arms reaching help to hoist me from the powder and slapping Jeff's hand, "alright, stick-in-the-mud's in place, where the fuck do we think Liu and Jane went?"

"They won't have gone anywhere they haven't been, they're trying to find us after all," Chelsea explained, "I've checked the coffee shop, Delilah's is clear and the kids houses are too."

"No one's at the inn, no one in the streets either," Ann nodded, "would it be worth checking Kitty's to make sure they didn't go after your mother?"

"Wouldn't be the first time they kidnapped someone but it's Operator-proof, if they need an escape route he can't help them there."

"The apartments," Jeff suggested and a shiver crawled up my spine, "they've seen the kids on their boards, they're probably hoping to catch one of them at the skate park unsuspecting. We can chase them to the building."

"I'll meet you all out there," Ann nodded, her heel clicks disappearing into the fog while we moved with Chelsea to guide the way.

The fog was so thick in town that you couldn't see five feet in front of you unless you had a witch like ours. She cleared the path with ease, her fingertips glowing as she swept it all aside and eventually I recognized the area. Jeff took a deep breath, holding a finger to his lips and cupping a hand around his ear before pointing to the right. Chelsea held a hand out to amplify the sound, two distinct voices reaching our ears and confirming our suspicions.

"—didn't think the fucking fog would be this bad," Jane huffed, "there's no way those kids are going to be out here in this, they're probably all cooped up at Kitty's."

"That means hopefully the proxies are handling it," Liu started, albeit he sounded uneasy, "Jane I don't think we should go after them. Stick to the plan, take out Jeff, let the authorities handle Nina."

"Did you let that ugly bitch scare you?" She laughed harshly, "wow, you're going to pussy out now? No, I think I'm going to string that kid up. She's nothing but pure evil."

"You really shouldn't talk about my family like that."

My voice cut through the fog and so did Chelsea's spell, clearing the arena for us as I spied the two of them standing at the edge of the skate park. Jane and Liu both jumped, pulling knives from holsters and trying to figure out a plan of attack while I whipped my head from side to side.

"'Pure evil' runs in the blood," I chuckled, "and Nina wanted to be the one to take your head off, but I think I'll do the honors."

"How the fuck did you find us?!" Jane screeched like a familiar banshee and it sent a shiver up my spine.

"It's not hard when you sit there and yap like you aren't walking around my city," Jeff snarled, "and you'll have to go through me before I'll ever let you lay a finger on Nina."

Before Liu could pull his gun Chelsea whipped a hand out, pulling it to her grasp instead and cracking a massive grin as she switched the safety off and cocked it with ease, firing without hesitation— but it wasn't meant to land. Instead it spooked them and gave Jeff and I a head start, rushing them and I knocked Liu back into the bowl. I wasn't aiming to kill, instead I landed punches everywhere I could, plucking him in the throat and kicking his knife away before he could get up. He did manage to knock me back though and his flight response kicked in like usual, sending him flying up the side and out on the pavement. A wretched screech echoed though and when he tried to run into the apartments the Rake came sprinting out, sending him in the other direction.

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