34. Family feud

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"God I fucking hate this town."

I scowled as I took in the familiar sights, the stolen car we'd taken parked up the street while Jane joined me and looked around with a curious gaze. It was late, it was cold, and I was sick of the lights strung around the trees and the neon signs already.

"I think it's cute," she chuckled, "where to now?"

"Kitty's, if he's not there then the Café."

I led the way, grateful for her silence as we walked along the streets. She didn't chatter like Ann used to save for the occasional hum, but her voice was actually tolerable so I didn't mind it. Once we reached the residential area I scanned the houses, walking up the the blue one and taking a moment to look at the windows while the Christmas lights shone. The garage was empty and the front door was locked, but it was just my luck that the sliding door was open. We went inside, Jane shedding her heels to walk quieter before scouring the lower floor while I took upstairs. Master bed was empty, Kitty's room was empty, even the two guest rooms that looked more permanent now were just the same.

"No one's here," I huffed as I walked back down the steps.

"No shit," Jane laughed, "what a house though. This is all Kitty's?"

"Her parents' place, but it definitely looks like other people have been living here too," I admitted, walking back out the door and closing it behind us after Jane put her shoes back on.

"I've never actually seen a picture of her, just heard about her wild goose chase across the states. Is she as crazy as she sounds?"

"Bitch is nuts," I snorted, "Jeff killed her best friend and she still slept with him."

"Yeah that is some kind of crazy," she whistled, "and you let her live with you?"

"It was the only way of making sure that asshole wouldn't disappear again. That's why we need her if we can't find him, he'll always come running to her rescue."

"Ah, the prince in shining armor coming to save his damsel in distress. Makes me fucking sick, but if it works, it works. Onto the Café?"

"Yes ma'am."

There was barely a soul on the street tonight as we walked through town, the breeze chilling me to the bone while I wrapped my scarf tighter around my neck. I pointed to the sign as we approached and took a quick glance inside, spying a girl with brunette hair and not Chelsea's signature blue.

"Alright, that's not the usual girl but head in and ask her when the next time Chelsea's on shift," I muttered, "if she asks say you're trying to ask her about her old coworker Kitty. Kid probably doesn't even remember the murders."

"Will do, hang tight for me while I put on a show."

She patted my chest as she passed me, leaning back against the side of a car while I looked around. I did spy the yellow SUV she usually drove but that didn't necessarily mean it was hers. About five minutes had passed and I was wondering what conversation was unfolding inside when I heard a muffled scream.


I whipped around and sprinted to the door, realizing there had been more people inside than I initially thought when I saw Jane pinned against the wall while Thomas held her there. Tentacles leeched from his back and when I tried to push the door open he managed to hold it closed, even when I slammed my full body weight against it the door simply wouldn't budge. What I did hear was a crack though and as I looked back up I realized it managed to break the glass.

In a moment of split-second thinking I pulled my gun out, firing through the break and hoping that I hit Thomas when I felt the pressure leave just long enough for me to burst inside. Before I could take aim again Jane's body crashed into mine and knocked the breath out of my lungs, my vision hazy while she got back to her feet near instantaneously.

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