23. Radio waves

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I'd been up for an hour, staring at the ceiling and trying to keep myself from patting around the sheets beside me in search for a body to curl up with. A deep breath escaped my chest and I just shook my head, feeling a little lost again but better this time around knowing he was still fighting for me. My hand wrapped around my necklace and I tried to think positively, deciding coffee and some breakfast might do me some good.

I was still dressed in the same clothes from last night, my new hoodie keeping me cozy as I walked out into the hallway and took a look around. Mom was long gone and Jules made noise in the kitchen, my path taking me toward the left end of the hall when I saw the game room door ajar. When I peered inside I couldn't help but smile as I saw Nina and Pierce fast asleep on the beanbags, our mini-monster swaddled in her favorite purple blanket. I was almost surprised they weren't cuddling.

When I did finally join Jules in the kitchen she was nursing a hangover, a plate of hash browns and eggs sitting in front of her while she snacked on an english muffin. I gave her a wave as I went to get coffee and she grinned at me as best she could while she stuffed her face. I joined her after making my own plate, the smell of freshly brewed vanilla mocha making my stomach howl.

"Are the kids still passed out?" She asked and I nodded.

"They were awake when Jeff left. Pierce had a nosebleed and luckily Nina had given him a rundown so he was prepared for it. Apparently the other proxies all think Nina is fucking insane for walking up to Operator knife out and ready for a fight."

"I think she is too, I wouldn't fuck with the guy," she laughed warmly. "I still remember her from about three years ago I think, when we went down to Tempe to visit during the summer. She was so shy and timid around everyone, it's so...refreshing to see her be so outgoing. I almost wonder if killing and the face change is really what she needed to be confident."

"I'm definitely proud of her either way," I hummed, "my Nina-Bean, the teeny-psycho queen. I like her friends too, Pierce is a sweet kid."

"Okay, can I just say I did not think her first boyfriend was going to be black—"


"Simple observation!" She protested my protest.

"You can't just say that," I just about howled before we finally settled down. "I don't think they're actually dating, not yet at least."

"Could've fooled me."

I dug into my hash browns and listened to the TV play some cartoon in the background while we ate, my stomach feeling immensely better after puking up whatever I'd not digested the night before. Suddenly I remembered what Jeff had said and I set my fork down, looking at Jules and studying her for a moment. She had the top half of her hair tied back into a small, curly ponytail and her eyes were the same deep blue as they'd ever been. There was no hint of dark circles or nervous movements so it was hard for me to want to believe anything was wrong but deep down I felt like something was going on.

"Do you remember talking to Jeff last night?" I asked, "after we'd gone to bed, you walked out into the hallway and said something to him."

"Not necessarily, no," Jules's brows furrowed curiously, "what did I say?"

"You knew Operator was here, apparently. Something about me not lasting much longer if this kept up."

"Oh," she seemed a little baffled as she sat up straighter, "do you...do you think I've got some weird connection to him? He did bring me back from the dead after all."

"I might see if Delilah can take another look at you, make sure there's not something we missed the first time," I started, pausing when I heard footsteps coming from behind me.

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