36. Silver Cove hospitality

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Chelsea came back inside once we told her Jules was in her room, still very angry but willing to listen to our collective apologies and calming down after Thomas made her what I liked to call a 'please don't revoke sex' drink. Rouge and Jeff sat at the kitchen table while they took a few moments to recover and drink their beer, my own bottle of moscato coming back out to play as I'd gone back to my room to grab a sweater.

"So Jules and Habit are still technically two separate people?" Chelsea clarified.

"Yes, and Jules is very upset because she knows what he did and didn't want to lose you over it," I explained, "Habit would also like to apologize as well. He can't take back the trauma, but he can remove the evidence."

"You mean, he can get rid of the scars?" Her voice softened as I nodded.

"I can get Jules if you'd like to see her, she's back in her own head."

"I...yeah, I'd like to see her."

I nodded, waving for Jeff to come with me while Nina took his place to talk to Rouge and leading him up the stairs. He knocked on her door for me and said it was the two of us, a muffled 'come in' reaching through the hardwood before he turned the knob and led the way. She'd put a different shirt on, blue, yellow and red stripes screaming the opposite of Habit; Jules was tucked into the corner of the bed against the wall, tears still running down her face while she waved tiredly.

"Come here," I motioned to give her a hug and she jumped to her feet, latching onto me while I gripped her tightly. She pulled away and hugged Jeff as well, his presence probably more comforting than anything knowing he was alright.

"I'm so sorry," she sniffled as she backed away, "I knew it was going to be bad when it finally came out. That's not the way I wanted it to happen..."

"It was going to be bad no matter what, better now than never," I told her, "Chelsea wants to see you. We talked and she calmed down, she knows you and him aren't the same person."

"O-Okay, yeah I'd be happy to," she laughed, wiping at her face with her sleeves before she followed us back out to the hall. The moment she saw Chelsea she bolted down the steps and barreled into her, crying like a baby while Chelsea had to hold back her own tears.

"Easy girl, easy," she laughed, running a hand through Jules' curls, "I'm sorry I got so mad. I didn't mean to scare you like that."

"No, you have every fucking right to be mad after everything he did," Jules sniffled, "I love you Chelsea and I could never, ever, ever, live with myself if either of us hurt you again."

"I know, I love you too Jules," Chelsea laughed as she pulled her close again, "we're okay."

"Um..." she started as she pulled away, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, "Habit would like to apologize. It doesn't have to be now or tonight but..."

Thomas had taken up the armchair and I dropped onto the couch beside Jeff as we turned to watch, Nina grabbing my wine and bringing it over before she ran to the front door to stick her head into the cold. Pierce followed her in a few moments later and I could only assume she let him know Jeff was here and what had happened. They both came to sit with us while Rouge watched curiously from the kitchen, now on her feet and hoodie-less. I noticed in the light the massive amount of scars on her arms and knew she must've been through a whole lot of hell before Operator came along but something else caught my eye too: a pair of silvery rings looped around her neck, sitting in the middle of her chest. Wedding rings?

"Go ahead," Chelsea stood up straighter, putting on a brave face, "if he can fix the damage he did I can be civil."

"What's going on?" Pierce whispered, Jeff wrapping an arm around his shoulders before giving him a playful noogie.

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