7. Psycho killer club

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For some reason unbeknownst to me I woke up on the floor, the carpet digging like needles into my skin and forcing me to sit up. It was still daylight outside but I knew I'd gone to sleep when the sun came up so I wasn't surprised by the time. When I did finally haul myself to my feet I grabbed for a pair of sweats and walked out onto the balcony to find Nina and Jules sitting on the couch and watching a movie. The master bedroom door opened and Mom greeted me with a hug before she left for the night. Once the door was closed I took a deep breath and let a devilish smile cross my face.

"Alright you fuckers, who's up for some whiskey and video games?"

"Yeah, I'm down," Nina laughed as she paused the movie, helping Jules get to her feet before my red-headed companion grabbed the bottle from the pantry.

"Feeling any better today?" Jules asked when she joined me at the top of the stairs, grabbing for the bottle before I tipped it back.

"Better now," I giggled as I handed it back, "alright, we playing smash or a one-v-one?"

"Smash," the girls said in unison and I grabbed for a controller before I sunk into the couch. I picked out Princess Peach as per usual, remembering all the jokes Jeff used to make about me.

The girls chose their characters and a slew of fighting sounds echoed through the screen while we laughed, splitting the bottle and enjoying a little time to ourselves. Truth is I needed out of my bedroom more than I liked to admit and as the game swapped to Mortal Kombat I found myself a lot more focused, watching the carnage ensue with a giddy, drunken grin. Nina landed a fatality on Jules and as she cackled in triumph I actually felt my stomach twist.

So much blood.


"Oh God I think I'm going to hurl," I launched myself back to my feet before stumbling out into the hall, listening to the echoes of 'party foul' behind me before I slammed the bathroom door shut.

I wasn't going to puke but I could feel my heart slamming in my ribcage and sending a rush of adrenaline through my system as the voices suddenly went haywire. Snow, snow, snow! My hands clutched at my head and I stopped when I saw myself in the mirror, eyes wild and full of bloodlust before I slowly began to laugh. I really was going crazy all over again but this felt ten times as bad as before.

"Kitty? You okay?"

"I'm fine!" I called back before taking a deep breath and choking down the bile in my throat, reaching for the doorknob to find Jules on the other side with worried eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I'm alright," I shook my head as I pushed past her, catching Nina with her hair up and a jacket on, "hey, you going somewhere?"

"Yeah, I'm a little too drunk, some fresh air will sober me up," she flashed a peace sign as she walked down the steps, leaving just Jules and I to ourselves.

I made my way to my bedroom and threw the door open, finding it was well past dark outside and that time had flown by. Jules joined me as I gazed out into the backyard and turned the music on, helping to ease the trembling that had grown in my bones. I can't hold out much longer.

"I've come for blood, blood, blood—!"

"Skip," I snapped suddenly, Jules flinching in surprise and punching the skip button to a song that didn't have any lyrics about blood but the damage had already been done. I was shaking again and my brain felt like it was going to burst from my skull.

"Kitty what is going on? You're having a fucking meltdown," she reached for my shoulder and I recoiled from her touch.

"I-I..." tears pricked the corners of my eyes, "I need...I need to go out. I can't hold it together anymore, I feel like I'm fucking dying."

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