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"Do a kick flip!"

I shouted at Tanis as she landed in the bowl, her feet slipping out from under her while Pierce and I cackled from the edge. The sun had started setting a while ago and the more frequent flyers to the park disappeared with it, leaving just the four of us under the streetlights. It had been a few days, a few meetups and getting coffee late night from Chelsea at the Café. They were really nice people and it felt good to have 'friends' for once.

"Puta mierda, Vlad, haul my ass out of here!" She laughed as she got back to her feet, the scraggly man reaching down to pull her out.

"Man, you've been sitting here cool as a cucumber for ages, how the hell are you not cold?" Pierce asked suddenly, glancing down at my ripped up jeans and hole-y sweater.

"I've got this thing called 'CIPA'" I explained, bullshitting the story Delilah had given me, "I can't feel pain because the sensors in my nerves aren't connected properly to my brain. I can't feel extreme temperatures either. It feels like any old day out here to me. Really I should be dressing warmer but I'm a pain in my own ass at the best of times."

"You've got a lot of reasons why you're doing online school then, don't you?" Tanis asked as she joined us, Vlad sparking up a cigarette a little ways off.

"Oh yeah, I'm a fuckin' masterpiece of problems," I tipped my head back to howl, "I'm not bothered by it though. Just what makes me, me."

"Good on you! Everyone needs to be nicer to themselves," Vlad called and we all laughed.

"Alright, sun's down and I'm bored. Do we want to stay here or go make a little mischief around town?" Tanis inquired and I raised a curious eyebrow.

"Mischief is my middle name, what do we have in mind?"

"Oh I've got just the thing! Come on, follow me!"

Vlad put out his light and we all kept up with Tanis as we kicked off away from the city, the late night air dripping with incoming rain and stormy days ahead. As we cruised I put an earbud in, dancing along my board to keep it wiggling and listening to Pierce and Vlad while they cheered me on. I liked showing off and having the spotlight on me like this felt amazing.

Tanis led us to what looked like an abandoned overpass, the walls covered in ivy and shrubs as we slowed to a halt and picked our boards up. When we ducked beneath it Pierce pulled out his phone to illuminate the space, revealing graffitied walls of beautiful street art and symbols, someone having worked long and hard to create these. I caught sight of Tanis out of the corner of my eye as she dropped her backpack and produced cans of spray paint, the artist herself pulling through.

"Did you make these?" I asked as she tossed me a can. Purple.

"A few of them. A lot of this has been here for years, I like to add my own every now and then."

"Have you ever done this?" Vlad asked and I shook my head.

"Always willing to give it a try though," I said with a devilish snicker while I kicked off to head a little further in, finding a semi-clear wall space to work with in no time.

I sat there for a while and debated what I wanted to make before dragging the spray down the wall, taking a little inspiration from Jules and running back to trade out colors. After a while I finished and signed it with the acronym 'NTK'. A Gengar head stared back at me with a big pink tongue and red eyes, the same expression on his face that I felt on my own.

"Whoa, that's pretty damn good!" Pierce laughed as he approached with the light, catching the black paint as I tossed it to him. I was pretty proud of myself.

Chaos and Corruption (Jeff the Killer Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now