59. The End

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I woke up to bright sunlight coming through the window, illuminating a dusty, messy room, with piles of clothes on the floor and red lights glowing around the edge of my bed. Arms tightened around me as I tried to move and for the first time this month I wasn't afraid of being ripped from them once again, afraid of losing the one thing that kept me sane. I rolled over and smiled at Jeff, his gaze hidden beneath his mask but the drool on the pillow told me he was still out cold.

"Hey beautiful," I hummed, tucking his hair out of his face before his breathing hitched and he reached up, lifting the mask to see my smile, "you know what today is, right?"


"The first day of the rest of our lives."

The puzzled gleam in his eyes faded and he pulled me closer, tucking my head into the crook of his neck while he kissed my hair. His warmth almost put me right back to sleep but I knew we weren't quite done yet, enjoying the alone time with him just a little longer before we got to our feet. I could hear movement out on the balcony and I popped the door open, finding Nina and Jules coming back up from the kitchen.

"Hey you two, everything alright?"

"Just fine," Nina smiled, "I've got to wake everyone, it's still Thursday after all."

"Shit that's right," I chuckled to myself, following them down the hall and peering into the game room.

Pierce and Vlad were both passed out in the beanbags and Tanis was happily cradled in Toby's arms, a new development that put a warm smile on my face. Nina went to wake Pierce and he leapt to his feet, knife bared and ready to strike while I grinned. Nina just walked into his open arms and he relaxed, gripping her tightly instead while Jules woke the vampire. I gently shook Tanis' shoulder and she blinked up at me before nodding, already well aware of what day it was and taking a deep breath before she did the same to Toby.

"Where are you going to bury them?" Pierce asked softly, his gaze focused on the black puddle in the back yard that used to be Operator.

"Ann wanted to be buried by the water so I figured the river would be the prettiest place," I admitted and everyone smiled at the idea.

"We'll come by after school," Tanis assured us, "I want to bring some flowers or something, at least."

Nina gripped her friend tightly before they all started their morning routines, my own path taking me back to the bedroom where Jeff had gotten dressed, giving me the best smile he could while it wasn't hard at all to read the sadness in his eyes. I kissed him and we headed downstairs, finding that Nina and Jules had already made breakfast for everyone— meaning neither of them had gotten a lick of sleep. I just laughed to myself as I made a cup of coffee, handing out plates just before a knock sounded on the door. Chelsea and Thomas let themselves in but I did a double take when I saw Thomas.

"What the fuck—?"

"Surprise!" Chelsea cackled as he cracked a grin, one without sharp teeth, "Delilah and I fixed up a glamour spell for him!"

"Holy fucking shit, you actually used to be cute," Jeff teased, walking up and putting him in a headlock before we heard gasps from the staircase.

"Look at you, you look like yourself again!" Jules squealed excitedly as she latched her arms around him.

"Don't get too excited ginger-snap, I'm still the same monster underneath this pretty face," he snickered while Toby and the kids came to give him a little hell as well.

"Jesus, th-this is what you looked like before? Snow you picked the w-wrong murderer," Toby snickered and Jeff punched him in the arm before the two of them started wrestling, my boyfriend putting the poor man over the back of the couch and slamming him into the cushions.

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