29. Feelin' sassy

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Jules held tightly to my hand as we skipped along the sidewalk, dancing to the beat of our own drums and laughing like a couple of kids on on Christmas Eve. Toby pointed to a house up ahead and I gave him a thumbs up before Jules and I picked out our own place, giggling quietly to ourselves while I tossed her the big black knife I'd pried off the wall.

"How about the brown one?" She whispered feverishly, nodding in return before we darted up the street.

I tried the windows and doors until I had to hoist myself into a tree to get up onto the roof, finding an unlocked window and pulling it open just wide enough to enter. I moved silently as I descended the stairs and unlocked the back door, Jules waiting for me on the other side with a devious grin before she let herself in. We walked back upstairs and I pushed the bedroom door open, letting her take first pick while I moved to the other side of the bed. Jules pulled a roll of duct tape out from her coat pocket as she shed the garment, her own plan in mind while I did the same. Best to leave bloodstains where no one would see them.

The duct tape was loud enough to startle both occupants awake, her intention, I'm sure; I whipped my knives out and slashed, cutting deep into flesh and bone while a body hit the ground with a loud thump on the other side of the bed. The husband beneath me did what he could to put up a fight but I wouldn't let him, the whispers in my mind screaming at me to gut him like a trout. Violence! Blood! Viscera! Carnage! Give me more, more, more...

"You sure look a lot more handsome without those ugly eyes," I baby-talked him as I squished his cheeks in my hand, moving his limp head side to side. Well, what was left of it. I had my fun as I cut X's into his cheeks and gave him a pretty little smile, carving a snowflake into his bare chest, what had slowly become my own bloody calling card. My chest dripped with splatter, the liquid soaking into my tank top and staining my skin with beautiful scarlet drops.

Once I'd finished with my little show I backed up, noticing a trail of blood from a body being dragged leading out into the hallway. I followed it and found a light on in the kitchen, dim but enough to show the gruesome scene ahead. The back door creaked open and I caught Toby looking on with curiosity as Jules had duct taped the woman to a dining room chair, a device in her hands that she must've found in the garage. I couldn't help but notice the color of the tape, a bright purple I knew I'd seen somewhere before. Her maniacal cackles echoed and the woman watched on in fear, one of her eyes already handing from the socket by the nerve while her stomach had been cut open, her intestines sitting in her lap in a steaming pile.

"Hot damn Juliette, I'm diggin' the torture chair," I teased, her eyes glancing back toward me as she pulled the cord on a small chainsaw.

"Oh, I'm 'bouta have a lot of fun," her voice came out gravelly, full of a darkness I hadn't known she possessed as the chainsaw roared to life, "come on Rexy! You doin' good? You feelin' sassy?!"

My smile fell as I heard those words. They echoed in my head clear as day even though I'd heard them from someone else's mouth and as she cracked through bone and shoved the chainsaw into the woman's chest I fully realized what was wrong. The purple duct tape, the sleep talking, the sudden change of heart toward murder...this wasn't my Jules. This had never been my Jules.

"T-Toby..." My face paled as I looked over at him, "you...you heard her too, right?"

"That's not Jules," he shook his head, confirming my suspicion with a single whisper, "that's Habit."

"Habit or rabbit..." her voice echoed as the roaring ceased, Toby and I drawing closer to watch as she turned to face us, "took you schmucks long enough to figure it out."

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