51. Once upon a time

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"Hey buttmunch, it's almost two!"

"Ten more minutes," I grumbled only for the blanket to be yanked away, "hey!"

Snow's giggle echoed and I did my best to glare at her as I lifted my mask up, glad for once I was wearing pants and flipping her off. I couldn't stay mad long though, not when she let me pull her down and smother her with a kiss while she cupped my face in her hands, giving me a dreamy smile as I pulled away.

"You have no idea how much I missed waking up here with you in my arms," I told her as I squeezed her tighter, "any plans for today?"

"Like I said, it's almost two," she laughed, "your lazy ass is the last one up."

"Give me a break here, I ran on an all night schedule for the last month, I'm still readjusting," I groaned, "and since when have you ever been a early riser?!"

"I'm not, I woke up at noon and got hungry."

"And you didn't wake me?!"

"I tried!" She cackled, "I'd have thought you were dead if it weren't for your snoring!"

"Touché," I chuckled, planting another kiss on her before finally letting her up.

She ran off to go bother someone else while I sat up and stretched, cracking my neck and my back like fucking bubble wrap after sleeping so hard for so long. After having to sleep with a metaphorical eye open for so long at the mansion it felt good to relax again, seek safety where I knew I'd always have it. I pulled a shirt on as I walked out and saw Ann on the couch while she watched a TV show and I could hear Nina singing to herself in the laundry room, tone deaf and music to my ears as I shut the door on her, listening to her swear with a cheeky grin.

"I feel like a fox in a henhouse around here," I scoffed as I walked into the kitchen, finding both Jules and Kate at the table while Snow rummaged around the fridge, "at least with Pierce around there's another Y chromosome."

"What, need a boys day with Tom and Toby?" She teased, "get Tim and Brian in on it too?"

"You're a pain," I scolded her playfully, earning myself a little wiggle of the halves as she stuck her tongue out at me. Truthfully a day like that didn't actually sound all that bad but it'd definitely have to wait until after Operator was six feet under.

Eventually Snow made food for us and Jules went to go help Nina with something, the three of us lounging at the table and taking it easy. Kate looked a lot different than she had when I first met her, her face was livelier and her hair a lot less oily and matted, even her clothes looked ten times better. She laughed to herself as she finished whatever it was she was eating and sat back, something swimming in her icy eyes that made me smile.

"I haven't had a smoothie since I was a teenager," she hummed to herself, "I might eat my words after all, Jules is an absolute gem."

"Habit says she's not a permanent host, you know," Snow teased warmly, "he'll fix her up and send her off good as new once we take the asshole out."

"I wouldn't mind getting to know her a little better in the end. Think you guys could handle one more?"

"The more the merrier sweetheart, you're always welcome here."

She beamed at me and I hadn't ever seen her smile so wide. The door opened a little bit later and Pierce let himself in, giving me a chipper but somewhat tired smile as he waved before heading upstairs to hang out with Nina. Throughout the rest of the day I seemed to be the only one stagnant, just sitting at the table and enjoying the passing company, watching the show as Snow and Jules tried to cook dinner. Mama Kitty came home just as everything was done and thanked her daughters for taking the load off, sharing a glass of scotch with me and just reveling in everything. Even so it felt like there was a missing figure at the table and as I was left in the dark I couldn't help but wonder what she was doing right now.

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