48. Night away

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I watched my cousin lead Jeff away with a laugh, knowing it had been far too long since the two of them got to have their fun. I was itching to have my own as well but everything from earlier in the day had me distracted and I got an idea to fix it, one that I didn't necessarily enjoy, but I had been curious.

"Hey fuckwit, we're following you," I told Habit before he could disappear, "I want to know what your M.O. looks like."

"Heh, you sure kid?" He snorted, "actually who am I kidding, I love an audience! The more the merrier!"

"After you Bunny," my teasing voice had a sharp edge to it and he cackled as he led the way.

"Isn't Habit known for being...over the top?" Pierce raised an eyebrow curiously as he walked beside me.

"Considering the state we found Chelsea in, over the top is an understatement."

Habit picked out a nice, secluded little house on the range and while I remained cool as a cucumber I was expecting Pierce to be a little jumpier, only proving my suspicions further as he stuffed his hands in his pocket nonchalantly. I figured I'd confront him about it after the show and we didn't even need to search for a way in as he just teleported us inside. Since this wasn't my target I put my hands on my hips and watched the maniac dance his way upstairs, a sudden burst of music echoing through the home shortly before his victim flew through the banister and landed on the ground with a hard thump that made Pierce and I both wince.

"—and another one bites the dust!" He cackled, quoting the song that echoed while he stood triumphantly on the edge of the balcony, "do me a favor Nina-bean, pull out a chair for our guest, will you?"

"Yeah, yeah," I called out and walked into the dining room, dragging a chair back while the man tried to get up but Habit wasted no time in leaping down and knocking him right back to the floor.

"You're going to be a spicy one, aren't you? This'll be fantastic," he purred, dragging him by his hair and slamming him back into the chair. I joined Pierce in the hall to watch as he slapped a piece of purple duct tape over his mouth and when he tried to throw a swing he grabbed his arm, snapping it in half. Pierce sucked in a sharp breath beside me and even I could admit the compound fracture was a gory scene.

"I'll bite, I like the tape," I snickered, "need any help?"

"He's all tied down sunshine— now," he raised a foot and slammed it right into his crotch before grabbing for the cord of his chainsaw, "you doin' good? Feelin' sassy? 'Cause this PG-13 show is 'bouta be rated R for Rexy!"

"I'd move if you don't want blood splatter," I warned the boy beside me, snapping Pierce out of his trance and sending him scooting off to the side while Habit ripped the cord, starting up the serrated teeth. Bone crunched and muffled screams echoed from under the tape while he slammed it straight through his chest, blood and viscera flying everywhere while my heart did a mad dance against the bars of my ribcage. Blood, blood, blood! Maybe I could learn to like Habit after all.

"You want a turn with the chainsaw?!" Habit cackled over his shoulder as blood dripped down the entirety of his front side and while the offer was tempting I shook my head, my fingers twitching while I cracked a delighted smile.

"Maybe next time, I think I'm gonna go make my own mess," I giggled excitedly, walking back toward Pierce and to the front door after I took his hand in mine.

"That was like watching an actual slasher flick," he laughed shakily as we walked down the street and I could feel the adrenaline washing over me. Kill something. Make them bleed.

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