50. School days

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A bright, blaring alarm right beside my head startled me out of my deep slumber, my hand tightening around the grip of my knife as I leapt from bed and heard Pierce cackle behind me. My mad swinging fell short and I swore up a storm before I slammed it into the wall, watching him rub his eyes as he pushed himself upright and welcomed me back into bed with open arms and a kiss.

"Remind me to change the tone," he chuckled, "normally it takes a lot to get me up this early but you jumping out of bed like a rabid raccoon got my heart rate up."

"It's been two months since I've had to get up on anyone else's time but my own," I grumbled, my face buried in his shoulder while he pecked my cheek.

"Life's nice like that when you don't have to go to school. I on the other hand am a loser and will get in major trouble if I don't show up." His face softened and he held me a little tighter. "Go back to sleep, you deserve it."

"No way, I'm not letting you out of my sight until you're on school grounds."

"I think I'll be just fine yandere-chan—"

My hand brushed his cheek and he paused in his jokes as I sat up straight, "it's for my own peace of mind. Liu and Jane try their shit again or Operator teleports they're all afraid of me, not so much of you."

Pierce nodded and smiled at me before he kissed the tip of my nose and painted a smile on my face. "Okay, if it makes you feel better. I'm going to take a shower though, I haven't had one since Friday and I feel disgusting."

"Honestly, same," I groaned flatly and got to my feet, pulling him with me before rooting around in my closet for a change, "leave anything dirty out and I'll do laundry when I get back, half my shit is covered with dried blood right now."

"You guys must go through a fortune in bleach to get Jeff's hoodie back to white."

"Fuckin' tell me about it! Just wear black, I don't give a rats ass if you have an 'image' to uphold!"

We muffled our laughter as we walked down the hall, slipping into the bathroom and starting up the tap for a nice hot shower. I chuckled to myself as I glanced to the cabinet beneath the sink and recalled the gruesome discovery I'd made while visiting, pondering what injury the evidence had been from while I stepped under the faucet behind Pierce. My cheeks burned though and I had to fight to keep my eyes off of him while he swore, gently prodding the wound down his front and letting out his own wry chuckle.

"I remember now why I didn't take a shower," he admitted, "having fried nerve endings must be nice sometimes."

"I'll be the first to admit it's helpful," I sighed, running my hair under the water and feeling a gentle pressure on my shoulders.

"It's hard to see these ones," he said softly, "it looks like the glass from my window but didn't Chelsea heal those?"

"Those are from Tempe. I had to bail out a window to get down to the stream, cuts had to heal on their own. Chelsea was still recovering from Habit and Tom was pretty fucked up so I wasn't going to bother them about it."

To my surprise his arms wrapped around my waist from behind, the sensation of being pressed up against his bare chest one that sent butterflies through my stomach. Pierce leaned down though and kissed my cheek, a smile pulling on my lips while he spoke.

"I'm thankful every day that you're as fuckin' sharp as you are, no pun intended—" we both laughed anyway, "—but you're smart and you work well under pressure. You've always got a plan whether you've been given two minutes or twenty to make it."

"I like to think Kitty taught me that but really I had to make some tough decisions and I know as long as I move I can get something done but standing still won't ever get you anything but in the way."

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