11. Firebrand

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I rolled out of bed far after it grew dark outside, my head painfully throbbing and making me rub my temples in an attempt to ease the suffering. Instead of sitting around in the dark though I thought that water and food would probably help and I grabbed a shirt out of my bag before walking out into the dimly lit hall. I was surprised to hear voices coming from the kitchen as I approached but to my pleasant surprise I found not only Kate in the darkness but Ann and Toby too.

"Oh, look who finally decided to roll out of bed," Ann teased when I passed by, "I just made some cookies if you want one, they're on the counter."

"If you make cookies half as good as Snow I will be impressed," I snorted as I grabbed for one, snagging a bottle of water out of the fridge as well before joining them, "God damn, you got me. What is it with you guys and knowing how to cook so damn well?"

"Kitty learned from her mom, who I hear is an expert," Ann chuckled to herself, "how are you feeling? Toby said you two went out on a mission earlier this week."

"Yeah, got the snot kicked out of me," I sighed, "speaking of, what is your twitchy-bitchy ass doing awake?"

"B-Bite me, fuckwad," he started, "couldn't sleep, heard K-Kate bangin' around down here and figured I'd come down."

"Sounds about right," I laughed and Kate socked my arm with a playful scowl. "What are you two planning on doing for Christmas?"

"I forgot it even existed," Kate groaned, "might convince Operator to let me roam for a few hours. Then again, all those lights..."

"You'd probably be better off at home," Ann reached across the table and patted her hand supportively. "I might see if I can get a tree in here. Y'know, have some semblance of before."

"I'm going to go see Snow if you want to come with us."

"I...would like that." She pried her eyes away. "I'm still getting used to the new me, though. I'd feel better staying here."

"Hey, don't worry about it," I assured her, "I'll let her know you're here at least. She leapt at Liu the moment she figured it out, you know. Didn't even care he had a weapon. They went flying over the railing, I'm surprised the fall didn't kill him."

"I'm glad it didn't," she hummed, a different look in her remaining eye, "because that's my job."

"You and me Ann, we're going to take that fucker down." I pointed a finger back and forth while she nodded, a stern smile on her face.

"Do...d-do you think Snow will be mad at me?"

Everyone looked at Toby and for once I saw trouble in his eyes that didn't mean murder. He was genuinely conflicted and it was all I could do to chuckle and shake my head.

"Kid, Snow forgave me for killing her best friend. If anything she's probably mad at me for ditching her," I laughed and he brightened up a bit, "I wouldn't worry. If you're wanting to apologize, now's the best time to do it."

"Kitty's such a lovely girl, I'm glad she found someone like you," Ann hummed as she sipped at a cup of tea, "Liu always built you up to be a monster but when she started talking it was nothing but gush and blush. I was more inclined to believe her since she wasn't focused on revenge."

"Wait, you've actually got a girlfriend looking like that?" Kate snorted, "color me impressed."

"Should see Tom, he's missing his eyes and his skin is really dark and blotchy like a massive bruise and he's nailing a solid eight out of ten."

"You mean that girl with the blue h-hair at the coffee shop, right?"

"Yeah! And that's after he tried to kill her!"

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