33. The one that got away

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Eyeless Jack

Delilah made some fantastic chicken noodle soup for dinner, pulling fresh rolls from the oven and setting everything on the table for us to enjoy while Nina and I went back and forth explaining a few things. We didn't go into too much detail but I told him how it had become a mixed up killer competition out here when everything started and how I lost my marbles trying to get Jeff to leave. I dodged around Nina's past, skipping right to the part where Chelsea was kidnapped and realizing that we had new information for Delilah.

"You remember how when we brought Jules home you did that check?" I started, her head nodding, "you missed something big."

"How big?"

"Habit big."

She snapped to attention, silverware clattering as her wide eyes landed on me. "You're kidding me? Habit's using Jules as a vessel?!" She scoffed, "that fucking rabbit, I told him centuries ago if I ever saw him again I'd make him into stew."

"Yeah and his fucking dog almost killed Pierce," Nina growled, Vlad's attention snapping to her, "oh, he already knows all of this by the way. He was involved way before I even thought to tell him."

"What happened?"

"Habit, one of Operator's proxies, was the one who kidnapped Chelsea. When Nina came flying out of the woods like a bat fresh out of Hell and killed his host, he latched onto our best friend when she was magically brought back to life. It's a symbiotic relationship, Jules was supposed to die after a couple days and he's keeping her alive with the trade off of murder and killing Operator."

"He wants the house too once we evict everyone," Nina said around a roll, "he has a failed science experiment they call the Rake and it somehow found Pierce. He thought he was having night terrors until he sent me this picture Christmas Eve. The break in wasn't a break in, that monster threw me through the window."

"What the fuck," his eyes widened as he looked at the image of the creature, "man there's a lot of weird shit in this world."

"We have the unfortunate displeasure of working with Habit then," Delilah groaned, "I hate that bastard, he's disgusting and vile and every bad word in the book. Mankind's bad habit my ass, he's just a tool."

"Trust me, if I hadn't almost died up there I was going to make him my next meal. I don't like that he's in Jules, Chelsea doesn't know and I don't want her to know until she needs to."

"Because he kidnapped her?"

"Because he tortured her," I elaborated, Vlad's eyes going wide, "yeah, carved his name into her back using a hot screwdriver and pulled her nails out, not to mention cutting her and duct taping the wounds closed."

"That's fucking brutal..."

"I'm the one who saved their asses," Nina touted proudly, "me and my pretty pink knife."

"Hey, no weapons at the dinner table," Delilah scolded her as Nina pulled out her blade, her face falling as she pouted and put it away. Just to screw with her I slowly set my scalpel on the hardwood and she narrowed her gaze while a grin crossed my face, "just because you use yours to eat doesn't make it silverware, Thomas."

I loosed a howl as I put it away, the kids hiding their snickers while they finished their food. I settled and finished mine as well, helping Delilah to clean up before I checked the time. It was past eight and I gave her a quick hug, waving the kids off as they drove away and taking to the street with my board to enjoy the night air. As per usual I made a quick detour to the park and found Pierce by himself in the bowl, catching his hand to help pull him back up while he grinned at me.

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