24. Lost bet

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I scrubbed the pans in the sink while Pierce and Jules talked at the table, humming to myself while the coffee started to work it's magic and finally shove the groggy haze away. When I finished and put everything away Jules had gotten to her feet and looked ready to go back to bed.

"You kids go have fun," she ruffled my hair as I joined them, "I'm going to go get stoned, maybe take a nap. No murders unless it's self defense."

"But Jules," I groaned playfully before she cracked a grin.

"Who am I kiddin', go nuts."

I laughed and followed her up the steps, Pierce not far behind me as I walked back to the game room and dropped down on the couch. My phone lit up on the table and I grabbed it as he sat beside me, letting me throw my legs over his while he grabbed for a controller. Tanis had messaged me asking if we'd heard from Pierce and I leaned over to snap a picture of him and I, squishing his cheeks in my hand while I snickered.

"What was what for?" He teased, shoving his head up against mine to see what I was doing.

"Apparently Tanis hasn't heard from you," I poked back, his face balking for a second before he flipped a couple pillows to find his phone.

"Yeah she spammed me, whoops," Pierce cracked up as he started opening messages only for my phone to buzz in my hand when she called me.

"Good mornin' gorgeous!" I hummed, "and a Merry-late-Christmas to you."

"Damn, sleepover at your place and I wasn't invited? I see how it is," she snickered, "get your dick wet Pierce?"


I lost it, laughing hard enough to make an echo while Pierce buried his face in his hand. He snatched the device out of mine and I did what I could to get ahold of myself, listening to Tanis's teasing laugh over the speaker.

"I haven't laughed that hard in ages," I breathed as I finally sat up, "nah, he's chillin' here since he's got a boarded up window."

"Oh yeah you got broken into, how fucking scary was that?"

"Terrifying," Pierce huffed, his expression easing, "I'm alright though. You heard from Vlad at all?"

"The Prince of Darkness is currently yakking up his guts in my bathroom. You guys want to hang out today? Parents won't be home until way later."

"You down?" Pierce asked and I nodded, "yeah sure, we'll swing by in like thirty."

"Sweet, see you soon."

"Christ Almighty I swear her goal in life is to humiliate me as much as possible," he sighed, his face buried in his hand while I tried to stifle my laughter.

"Okay, but that was kind of funny," I snorted, "what, don't want to take a psychopath out on a spree around town?"

"And have you go all yandere-chan on me? I'll have to think about it."

"That's not a no I'm hearing!"

Pierce waved me off while he got to his feet, heading down the hall with his backpack in tow and leaving me to slowly follow suit. Truthfully I wasn't looking for anything, especially right now, but Pierce did get wrapped up in all my bullshit and he didn't seem to care. It was nice having someone I could confide in, who didn't have their own load of crap to deal with. Just thinking about it I approached the window in my room and glanced out into the snow like I expected the boys to still be out there; I could see footprints in the powder, both from Thomas and Jeff's fight and from when Jeff and Toby were whisked away by Operator. A small smile tugged on my lips and I remembered the surprise when I pulled my knife on him. No no-faced mother fucker was going to scare me.

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