16. Far from even

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"Everyone, this is Toby. Toby, everyone."

"H-Hello," he stammered, "I...would l-like to apologize for my aggression, the l-last time we met."

"Dude, if Jeff managed not to kill your ass for this last month I think you deserve a fuckin' medal," Thomas laughed, holding a hand out to him, "you got him home safe and sound. I'm Thomas, AKA Eyeless Jack. You can call me Tom."

"I almost had him, gave him a few good threats," I laughed, Snow tucking into my side protectively, "sadly I'm not here permanently. I got twenty-four hours and that started at midnight. If we hadn't had to help Nina I would've been here sooner but, you know, when brotherly duty calls."

"Too bad your actual brother doesn't share that sentiment," Chelsea scoffed and it reminded me that we hadn't lost as many people as we thought.

"Speaking of Liu, Ann's alive," I announced, much to their surprise, "sort of. He...he did some awful things to her. Operator stitched her back together and brought her back so she could get her own revenge against Liu."

"Is she here?!" Snow asked hopefully and I shook my head.

"She's still learning to live with herself. Ann didn't feel comfortable coming out but she wanted to be here," I assured her before tossing a glance back toward the boy on the ouch when he stirred. "Nina's made some friends, huh?"

"She's definitely been making her own way since she's been here," Snow explain proudly. "You said that monster from Colorado was attacking them?"

"The R-Rake is a nasty mother fucker," Toby butted in, "failed experiment f-from Habit. It's his fuckin' son, biologically, at least."

"What?!" Thomas gasped and I nodded to confirm.

"I'm guessing it went after Nina's friend because she killed Habit's skin-suit," I sighed, "Habit's still alive though. We just don't know where the fuck he went."

"Fuck!" Delilah yelped from the kitchen indignantly, waving a wooden spoon at Toby and I. "You keep that foul excuse for a rabbit a thousand miles from me, so help me Gods—!"

"That's our cue to scatter," Thomas wheezed through his laughter, shooing us toward the door. "Hurry— before she throws it."

We didn't waste any time in vacating the premises, dragging Toby with us and stuffing him into the back seat with Snow and I. The whole ride home I couldn't stop kissing her, smothering her against the window while everyone gagged at us but her laughter was absolute music to my ears. No matter how much she protested she kept her hands on me at all times, even as we parked and hopped out she wouldn't let go of my hand. As she reached for the door though she paused, looking back at me before unlocking it and leading the way inside.

I was surprised to find a Christmas tree lit up in the corner of the room, the whole house decorated with shiny red things and lights. The scent of food lingered in the air and abandoned drinks sat half full on the coffee table, an old, cheesy Hallmark movie playing on the screen over the mantle. I counted seven stockings, even more surprised to find they'd counted me in their holiday cheer, scrambling to sort out who the seventh was before she rose from the couch to greet us.

"Fuck," I whispered, realizing why Snow hesitated while everyone followed us in.

"Where's Nina?" Jules quipped, her voice low but sharp while I spied the knife in her hand.

"She's good, Jeff and Toby got her to Del's, Habit's kid went after Pierce," Thomas took the lead and finally seemed to realize the issue himself. "Uh, I'm gonna start on harder drinks, for whoever's ready for those..."

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