37. The good guys

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Getting back to the house felt a lot less welcoming than usual. It's like I could feel Operator's irritation through the walls as I stalked to the kitchen, finding Ann and Kate both waiting like usual. My aggravation must've clued them in that something bad happened while we were out.

"Everything alright?" Kate asked finally as I took a seat.

"No," I started, "Operator tried to send me on a suicide mission. Our targets were the only two victims of mine that survived."

"You mean—?" Ann trailed off as I nodded, "he didn't send me because he knew I would've killed him."

"Liu fucking dislocated both my shoulders," I explained, "thank God Snow showed up at the right time."

"Wait, you were in Silver Cove?"

"Yeah, from the sounds of it everyone had a run in from those two assholes tonight," Rouge snorted disdainfully as she grabbed another beer, "That was absolute shit, I'm still pissed about it but..." she trailed off with a heavy sigh, "they filled me in. I won't be fighting with you but I won't be helping him either, if I can help it."

The girls traded equal looks of despair before Kate leapt to her feet, Rouge holding a hand up to stop her from getting closer. She was struggling to make the right decision.

"Did you at least get the green light for New Year?" I asked Kate as she returned to her seat.

"Yeah, anywhere you want me to head first?"

"Probably the Café," I thought aloud, "can't miss it, it's right in the middle of town with a big red and green neon train as the sign. Chelsea should be working, she requested it specifically, and they're open until ten."

"I'm heading out of here around nine so that works," she smiled softly, "blue hair, right?"

"Can't miss her. Everyone's meeting at Snow's at midnight. You're gonna love her."

"Does she have any cute killer friends? I'm sick of being single," she huffed to lighten the mood, blowing a strand of black hair out of her face.

"The only one there without a girlfriend is the one Habit's sittin' pretty in," Rouge grumbled, taking a seat further down the table, "he's way toned back though. Even I was impressed he actually said 'I'm sorry' and showed, you know, the smallest sliver of humanity."

"Fuck at this point I'll take it," she snorted, "it's going to be weird living away from the mansion. I'm excited though."

"I just can't wait to see Kitty again," Ann hummed, sipping at her tea, "is she doing better?"

"A lot better, God damn should've seen the woman go to town on Liu. The whole time she was swingin' at Jane she was prodding her about being his new side piece and how you're twice the woman she'd ever be."

"Aw, how sweet," she held a hand to her heart as her eye glittered warmly, "did anyone tell Liu I was still here?"

"Of course not! I couldn't ruin the surprise," I wrapped an arm around her shoulders gently as she laughed.

"So that guy was the one who killed her?" Rouge asked to clarify, "fuck, he looked like he actually lost the plot. I hope when you get his ass he rots in Hell."

"I just hope when I do pass on I get to go down there with him and continue to torture him for eternity," she chirped, the oddly dark line coming from such a bright soul taking us all by surprise, "what? Too much?"

"Not fuckin' enough apparently," Kate whistled, "damn girl!"

Everyone at the table laughed as they slapped her hand, more chatter continuing until Ann eventually excused herself to sleep and I followed closely after. Once I got back to my bedroom I took a deep breath, the comfort of my own space helping me to calm down after a crazy night like that. As I pulled my hoodie off and laid back in bed I thought about that porcelain face, Jane's black eyes staring back at me with nothing but a vicious want for revenge in them. No wonder she found Liu, they really did make the perfect couple.

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