53. Make it stop

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"Remember, stay close to me," I told Pierce as we pulled into the parking lot, "they're going to try and separate us for easy prey, we can't give them the chance."

"Got it."

He slapped my hand and we kicked our boards up, running around to the basketball courts where we found our four compatriots waiting for us. Tanis was busy chatting it up with Toby while Vlad hunched over the concrete, a book in one hand and he used chalk to draw with the other. Kate looked on with curiosity and I let out a whistle, taking a deep breath and nodding to them.

"Everyone, get your shit ready," I announced, "Vlad are you done?"

"Just about," he called back, snapping the book shut and stuffing it in his coat before holding up the key to get into the school, "if you can't fight one, run it back here, this will trap it. There's another one—"

We all froze as the sound of singing reached our ears. Toby pushed Tanis behind him as he pulled his hatchets out, Kate doing the same with Vlad while Pierce and I stood back to back. My gaze swept the tree line until I spotted a figure, a small one at that— I was almost certain it was Delilah at first until she stepped into the light. Pierce and I both relaxed but one glance back to Toby and I realized this little girl was no ordinary girl.

"Sally, g-go home," he called out to her and the singing stopped.

"Aw, you're no fun!" She giggled, "too bad I don't have to listen to you anymore."

Her green eyes glowed like nothing else and before I knew it we were swarmed. Kate collapsed to the ground as tentacles wrapped around her legs, Operator's figure dragging her to the forest while Vlad rolled out of the way of an array of needles flying to lodge in the ground where he'd been moments prior. Tanis was the brave one of the bunch and she whipped around a baseball bat, lunging for the little girl before the weapon went right through her. She laughed like it was just hilarious before she called for something else.

"Mr. Stitches!"

"Fuck, Tanis run!" Toby shouted, slamming into her side in time to keep what looked like a massive, demented teddy bear from sinking its claws into her. It's mouth dripped with blood and drool and it towered over her, Toby's hatchets keeping him from landing a hit but I was thrown out of the way just in time before something grabbed Pierce. It was a massive creature with gray, rotting fur and a bone mask for a face that opened to reveal rows of serrated teeth.

"Pierce!" I screeched and he slashed hard with his knife before giving me a confident grin.

"I've got this!"

I nodded, about to run and assist when something wrapped around my leg. The chain shouldn't have been able to physically do what it was doing but my feet flew out from beneath me as I was reeled into the forest, tucking myself into a ball to make sure I didn't hit anything vital on the way. The moment I stopped though I got to my feet, attempting to dash further in before I found my adversary. His figure was so dark I almost couldn't pick him out among the trees but the skull was a dead giveaway, pardon the pun; I knew who I was dealing with as I whipped my knife out and grinned.

"Sent you to deal with me, huh? Smart."

"Team A, Operator sighted! He came straight for the kill and Chelsea shook him off, we're heading to the second location now!"

He came to us first. I dodged a swing from Deadhead and lunged only for him to a catch me by my throat, lifeless, soulless sockets staring into me while I struggled. I whipped my foot up and he dropped me as it clacked his jaws together, taking off down the cross country track and dodging swings from his chain the whole time. Every time it hit one of the trees it shattered the bark completely and I could only begin to fathom what it would do to my bones if it hit me. Think Nina think—!

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