If You Can't Do The Timini, Don't Do The Crymini

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Outside the Hotel, a hooded figure walked up to the hotel and entered the alleyway next to it. As it went into the alley, the figure pulled face the Hotel's outer wall and pulled out a can of spray paint.

???: Hehe, stupid bitch.

It then began to spray on the wall, graffiiting it. They finished and admired their work, but was soon interrupted by security.

Lobo: HEY!!

The figure was startled at the yell and ran as the Hellhound chased them off.

Lobo: Yeah, you better hope I don't fucking see you here again, rapscallion!!

Lobo looked at what the hooded demon sprayed on the hotel's wall.

Lobo looked at what the hooded demon sprayed on the hotel's wall

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Lobo was at the bar of the Hotel, drinking some tequila and doing his other favorite thing to do besides hang with Bendy, annoy the hell out of Husk.

Lobo: I'm a damn joke.

Husk: So, what else is new?

Lobo: Y'know, in life I was something that mattered. An officer of the law. I had a wife, a kid, even a good pay. I even went so far as to become Sergeant. I loved being on the force, just doing good.

Husk: Huh, well I used to be in the corp in my life. But, I stole my bunkmate's cash on booze and died of liver failure. What's your excuse for coming down here?

Lobo: I had to go undercover for a drug bust. To prove my loyalty, I had to take some drugs and kill a few hostages. Later on, I was revealed to be the mole in the crew and was shot to death.

Husk: Damn.

Bendy walks into the hotel, fuming mad.


Both demons look at the Ink Demon, to find him multicolored tie-dye style. His suit, tie, gloves, boots, even his skin was colored in pinks, yellows, greens, and blues.

Husk: The hell happened to you?

Bendy: That hooded demon, that's who! She threw a damn paint bomb at me!

Lobo: Ok, I can handle the walls or the embarrassment. But, no one messes with my best friend! *grabs Bendy's arm* C'mon Bends, we're going on a stakeout.

Bendy: Thanks, but I'm more of a ribs guy.


Bendy and Lobo were hiding in a bush, both wearing binoculars, trying to spot the female hoodlum.

Bendy: It's quiet.

Lobo: Too quiet?

Bendy: Not really. But, still quiet.

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