New Beginnings

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The camera opens to show a shot of the newly renovated Hazbin Hotel,where the camera zooms into the large apple-like building on the right side of the roof to show inside was part of a royal suite. The camera pans around to show the place looked like a deluxe apartment, until we then cut to the bed. Sleeping at the foot is KeeKee while Bendy, Charlie, and Vaggie slept together under the covers, Vaggie being in the middle. However, Charlie seemed to cringe and frown in her sleep, mumbling as she tossed before suddenly, a hand grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her up. She awoke with a shack to find the person grabbing her was a manaically smiling Gabriel.

Charlie: *horrified* Y.... You.... But you died!

Gabriel: you truly thought... That you unholy FILTH.... Could kill me!?

He throws Charlie to the floor, where it shows she's actually on the roof of the Hotel. She looks around horrified to see her friends and loved ones either defeated or killed, along with seeing Pentious and Lucifer hung by nooses. Unfurling her wings, she tries to fly off, only for Gabriel to plant his foot on her back and grip her wings before ripping them off, causing her to scream in agony.

Gabriel: Adam has said it. We ALL have said it. And now, your so-called "family" knows.... Hell. *picks her up* Is. FOREVER!!!!

She's flung off the roof and screams as she falls while watching the Hotel crumble in front of her. However, Charlie looks to see Gabriel flying up, charging a holy blast before sending it barreling towards her. The blast is about to hit before Charlie lets out a sharp gasp and sits up.

Hyperventilating, she sees she's in her bedroom, clutching her chest as she feels her rampant heartbeat. However, her panic is interrupted by Vaggie, who was stirred awake by Charlie bolting upright.

Vaggie: *drowsy* Charlie?

Noticing her wife's rapid breathing, Vaggie got the idea as she scooted closer and held Charlie close; the princess quickly returned the embrace.

Charlie: V... Vaggie?...

Vaggie: It's okay, honey. It's okay, it's me. I'm here. Nobody is going to hurt you, it was a dream. I got you.

The princess' rapid breathing slowed down, but it was still audible. Audible enough to stir Bendy awake as he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

Bendy: Vaggs?... What's going on?

Vaggie: Sorry about waking you up, Ben. Charlie had a nightmare.

This earned a tired, but exaggerated gasp from Bendy as he stretches his torso and hugs both women close.

Bendy: Nuuuuuuu, come here, honey! Your hubby'll make the night monsters go away!

The princess chuckled softly as she wrapped an arm around Bendy as well, kissing both his and Vaggie's cheeks.

Bendy: You wanna talk about it?

Charlie shakes her head and tightens her hug.

Bendy: That's okay. You don't have to. But just know you're safe, okay?

Vaggie: I'm safe, Ben is safe, Angel's safe, your brother's safe, the kids are safe. Everyone's safe, babe, okay?

The speaking elicited KeeKee to awaken, stretching as she stood before noticing the embrace between the three spouses. Guessing they'd like some time alone, KeeKee floated out of the bedroom and into the main suite before Vaggie released Charlie and climbed out of bed.

Vaggie: Bout time we woke up, anyway. Wanna get up, hon? I can have Moxxie and Millie take the kids to school.

Charlie: Actually, I... I'd rather stay in bed for a little bit more.

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