The Bloodthirsty Beauty

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Inside Lucifer's coven chamber, Lucifer stood in front of the massive skull wall, Horror's Hand laid out in front of it on the floor.

Lucifer: I've done it, my Lord. Horror's Hand is ours.

From behind the King, the shadow of Mephisto spawned out from the darkness, his horns longer and curving downward, a mane going down his back, and his snout forming into a beak.

Mephisto: Excellent, my prophet. You have done well.

Lucifer: *chuckles* I see your extended stays outside your little dimensional prison are affecting your shadowy form closer to your true glory, Master Mephisto. Now, what must I do with the accursed gauntlet?

Mephisto: Place it upon your hand and focus your Argent into it. Once complete, your true power will be restored.

Nodding, the King placed Horror's Hand upon his right hand, clenching his fist and focusing his power into it. So much so, it started to cause him pain as he groaned and grunted while the gauntlet glowed red.

After a few more seconds, muscle and tissue grew from Lucifer's arm and onto the hand. In a flash, the gauntlet and Lucifer's hand had fused, making his right hand larger and bulkier with a red eye in his palm. Curved horns grew from his head as three additional eyes sprouted on his face, both features disappearing atr he blinked.

Lucifer: Incredible... I feel just as powerful during my time in Heaven, possibly even more so!

Mephisto: Good. Now, what we need is the vessel of my trapped power and a device to shatter the Seal of Baphomet upon the door to my prison.

Lucifer: I can get you your powers back, but I'm not sure about that last one. I'm no inventor, I get lost using a damn computer. A few years back, Charlie needed help with the mouse of her computer, and I thought it was an Eye-Rat, so..... I ended up accidentally burning her PC.

Mephisto: Hmm.... This is rather a predicament.

Both demons stood in the chamber, until Lucifer's eyes widened and he gained a sinister smirk.

Lucifer: You know, I may not be good with machines... But a certain serpent my daughter knows may be able to help. Hmm, try saying that five times fast. Certain serpent, certain serpent, slertain sperp- Wow, that's actually kind of hard.


Meanwhile at the Hazbin Hotel, Bendy was just placing a lit candle within a hollowed out Hell Gourd, a face carved on it illuminated due to the candle within.

Bendy: There we go, that should be enough decorations.

He looked around the lobby, only to see it overstuffed with Halloween decorations, including an oversized inflatable spider, which was pinning Baxter underneath it.

Bendy: Hopefully this'll satisfy the fans since we couldn't come up with a Halloween special. We wouldn't really need one, since you know..... We're in Hell.

Baxter: Can someone please help me?

Ignoring the fish's request, Bendy looked to the stairs, spotting Knight going down the stairs with Sir Pentious.

Pentious: Good evening, Bendy, old friend.

Bendy: Hey, Pen. Hey, son. What's going on that's got you up at almost 9 at night? Especially you, Ghost. It's almost your bedtime?

Ghost: 'I heard something down the street'.

Bendy: Down the street? I'm sure it's nothing, kiddo.

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