Princess In Peril

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The door to the Hazbin Hotel slams open as an angry Bendy stomps into the lobby and up the stairs, scorch marks appearing wherever his foot leaves.

Bendy: Stupid ass motherfucking crap boobs crap darn! Damn Valentina! Ever since she and her two hoes got out of the Helltentrium somehow, she's been spamming me with thirsty calls! Huh, so this is how Blitz feels. *sigh* Oh well, at least I'm home. I can have some rest before I do anything else tonight.

Bendy smiles as he comes up to his bedroom door and opens it calling out for his wedded loves.

Bendy: Honeys, I'm home! Holy frick, Jesus what a day I've had- What the?

He looks around the bedroom to notice neither Charlie or Vaggie are in the bedroom.

Bendy: Charlie? Vaggie? *dials his phone, Vaggie answers*

Vaggie: Hello?

Bendy: Hey, Amore. Are you okay?

Vaggie: Yeah, I'm just in my office sorting out a couple files, why?

Bendy: Nothing, nothing. Have you seen Charlie?

Vaggie: Come to think of it, I haven't heard from her since this morning.

Bendy: Okay, don't get too worried, hon. I'll find her. Stay here in the Hotel if she comes back, and lock your office door so nothing bad happens to you.

Vaggie: Find her, please Bendy. I love you.

Bendy: I love you too, honey. *hangs up* Where could she be?


We cut to Lobo, sitting at the bar as he takes a drink from his coffee and Bendy walks up to him.

Bendy: Hey Lobo, you haven't seen Charlie around, have you?

Lobo: Um... not recently, why?

Bendy: I think she's gone missing!

Lobo: What?!

Bendy: She's been gone since this morning, something horrible must've happened to her. What if she got robbed? What if she's dead?! What if....what if....

Lobo: Hey, hey, calm down bud. We'll find her. Have you tried asking any family about where she could be?

Bendy: *cue lightbulb* Family, huh?


We then cut to Chuck's room, where the Prince wears a leotard and sweatbands while he exercises as Stayin' Alive plays.

Chuck: And up and right and up and down! Let's go, you fat fuck, show some mercy to your scale!

Bendy: *off-screen* What are you doing?

Chuck then turns to notice Bendy standing at his doorway, making him scream as he threw the boombox out the window and puts on his regular outfit.

Chuck: Umm, nothing...what's up?

Bendy: Where have you been since this morning?

Chuck: Just here. Went to the kitchen for lunch. Oh yeah! I bought some new Voxxi flip flops

Bendy: Okay, we're getting off track. Have you seen Charlie anywhere?...

Chuck: My sister? Not since yesterday. I was gonna show her my new flip flops today but I couldn't find her.

Bendy: Then it's true! Charlie is missing!

Chuck: My twin sister's missing?!


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