Princess Charlie's Big Birthday Bonanza

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Once again, morning shone in the Hazbin Hotel, Bendy had descended into the main Hotel's kitchen, putting on a cartoonish "Kiss The Cook, I'm Gay" apron and chef's hat before going around the kitchen to get the needed supplies he needed.

Bendy: Thank you, Vaggie, for distracting our princesa. I gotta make this the best treat ever.

He had all of his supplies out on the table, Bendy got to work as he wriggled his fingers with the ingredients and tools before him. He reaches for the power mixer, but suddenly...

???: Touch that whisk, Whelp, and you and I are gonna have even more problems than usual!

He withdrew his hand and curled his fingers, turning around to face Lucifer as he stood in the kitchen entryway. The Devil's fiery eyes were hardly threatening beneath that comically tall chef's hat.

Lucifer: The fuck you think you're doing?

Bendy: Well, it's my lovely wife's birthday and I'm looking forward to making her a treat of my own to show my love for her. Besides, I got in the mood when I smelled sugary baked treasures in the making here.

Lucifer shot daggers at Bendy as he strolled to the other side of the kitchen, inspecting a sheet of finished cookies shaped like ducks.

Lucifer: Huh, funny how you're only now getting inspired. But as Charlie's *demonic* FATHER, I'm perfectly capable of baking my children's birthday goodies all on my own, thank you.... Where's Chuck?

Bendy: Lilith picked him up earlier. He's having a little birthday excursion with her and Seviathan. Besides, aren't you trying to make enough to share with all of Charlie's friends and family?

Lucifer: *uncertain* Uh.... Yes?

Bendy: Then let me make my thing. Besides, who doesn't love a variety of sweets to choose from on their birthday?

The Ink Demon began to hum to himself as he stirred the flour, yeast, and other ingredients in a bowl to make a large amount of dough before digging into his pocket to pull out a deep fryer.

Bendy: They're just gonna love my beignets! They're my Ma's recipe and dare I say, they'll earn her favor far more than your chocolate chip Daffy Duck abortions.

Lucifer: I'll have you know chocolate chip cookies are Charles' favorite. As their father, I would know. But sure, go ahead and wow us with your greasy powder nuggets. I'm sure we'll find some use for them. Pretty sure I saw a pig around here, that's gotta eat too at some point.

Bendy growled monstrously as ink lines formed along the walls, causing Lucifer to chuckle as he continued with his batter.


Meanwhile, in the royal suite, Vaggie was still in her sleepwear, sitting next to a lump of blankets in the bed that she proceeded to poke and speak towards.

Vaggie: C'mon, babe, it's time to get up.

Charlie was heard groaning from within a cocoon of blankets, not wanting to wake up and give up her place within her warm paradise.

Charlie: *half-assed* Nooooo.....

Vaggie: Charlie, I know it's your birthday, but you can't spend all morning in bed.

Charlie: Yes I can, and you should, too! Bendy's gone, so come in here and hold meeee~!

Vaggie smiled softly when a hand reached out to her and flexed. She held it, and Charlie fluttered her lips.

Charlie: That's not what I meant and you know it, Vagatha.

Vaggie: Oh, I know what you meant, but I'm not playing that game today. I'm here to get you up. Don't make me get the babies involved.

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