Rogue Gallery Recreation

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On a gray metal table, a pair of robotic claws is shown shuffling a deck of cards. With one last shift of the deck, Robo Fizz' voice is heard as he deals the cards.

Robo Fizz: I want a nice clean game, gentlemen.

The camera pans to show Robo Fizz in a prison uniform, with an EMP generator on his neck. The camera then turns to show Henroin, Sammy Lawrence, and Katie Killjoy, each also wearing the same attire as Robo Fizz, along with a power inhibitor.

Henroin: Heh, that'd be a first. So, I heard The V's managed to get out last week.

Katie KIlljoy: You shitting me? They get to leave scott-free while we rot in here? What bullshit, all because of one guy.

Robo Fizz: Yeah, well that's where you're wrong, sweet tits. I don't think it is one guy.

Sammy: Oh, and pray tell my mechanical brother. To what are your thoughts on the Ink?

Robo Fizz: The way I figure it, Luci's got a bunch of them stashed someplace like his own personal SWAT team. He wants you to think it's one demon. That's how he'll get ya.

Henroin: Eh, what the fuck do you know? You're a robo-ripoff, of course you'd be seeing double. But, it's obvious there's something big coming. Probably even bigger than that 'Animo' guy a few months before. Perhaps, it'd be that Ink Fucker's evil twin or something.

Robo Fizz: Sure! He could be a disgusting ass abomination of oil, like the legit thing! *recoils a bit* Uh, no offence, Sam.

Sammy: Just deal.

Katie Killjoy: Well, you all know what I think?

Robo Fizz: Come on, sug', not the robot theory again.

Katie Killjoy: Well, he could be.

Suddenly, a set of footsteps are heard throughout the Helltentrium's recreational area. A few other demon prisoners, even the guards, back up a bit from the oncoming figure. The four turn to the footsteps, revealing Alastra.

Alastra: Yeah, hey my fellow Ink Demon Oppressors. Get me an iced tea and deal me in, would you?

Henroin gets angry at the confrontation as he gets up to confront the Alastor clone.

Henroin: Scram, bitch! This is a private- uugghh!

Henroin gagged as he was grabbed by the fallen cherub and kneed in the stomach. The burly spider got up and reeled back for a punch.

Henroin: Why you little...

Alastra simply grabbed the crime boss' arm and threw him into a wall. Smirking, she takes Henroin's seat, putting her feet up on the table.

Sammy: Alastra. Or, is it Deerie?

Alastra: It's been a long time, Samuel. You're still looking half-way decent, though that was before you lost the mask.

Sammy: The human half of me wants to break your limbs, one by one.

Alastra: Yeah? And what of your demon half?

Sammy: To rip out your black fucking heart.

Alastra: We used to date.

Fizz/Katie: Ah...

Katie Killjoy: So, what brings the Radio Demon's inbred daughter-neice to us fuck-ups?

Alastra: Just enjoying my rec time. And plotting revenge too, of course.

Katie Killjoy: Of course.

Sammy: Like-wise.

Robo Fizz: You got it.

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