Too Far....

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Yet another day at the Hazbin Hotel as Bendy came down from the elevator, sighing as he entered the lobby and plopped down on the couch. He seemed rather stressed due to the noticeable bags under his eyes as KeeKee teleports in. Seeing his cat, Bendy smiles and watches as KeeKee curls up next to him, scratching her back in the process.

KeeKee: Stressful day, Benjamin?

Bendy: I'll say. I don't know why, but... business is declining in the Hotel.

KeeKee: Whatever do you mean?

Bendy: KeeKee, patients that were on their way to Heaven have started to regress to their sinful behaviours at a faster rate. I know that relapsing is part of the process, but it never got this bad. Plus, Sadiki never showed up and it's been the 3rd week in a row this happened.

KeeKee: Hm, that is... rather distressing.

Bendy: Yeah. Plus, if we don't get any new business soon, we're gonna be in trouble with the city.

Suddenly, their conversation is interrupted by a loud ringing coming from the desk.


The ringing continued, causing Bendy to groan annoyed.


Hearing the phone ring one more time, Bendy sighs as he stretches his arm to the desk and grasps the phone. He then reels his arm to pull the couch towards the desk as he then brings the receiver to his ear and answers the phone.

Bendy: Hazbin Hotel, where Heaven is just a check-in away. That's our new slogan, by the way, I hope you like it. Anyway, what can I do for you?.... What? *covers one ear* I'm sorry, what? Um, hold on... *to KeeKee* Kee, could you check the guest book? We have a caller looking for a patient.

KeeKee: Of course. *floats to desk* Who is the recipient looking for?

Bendy: *into phone* Okay, what was the name again?.... Looking for "Tufuk"? Uh huh... Okay, apparently for a Me "Sum Wan Tufuk".

KeeKee: ....Sum Wan... Tufuk?

Bendy: Yeah, I'm looking for Sum Wan Tufuk!!!

Playing back his recent dialogue in his head, Bendy blushes as he then hears a snort and muffled laughter from not just the phone, but also from behind the corner as the spider demon peaks from behind and quickly withdraws.

Bendy: Dang it, Angel! You *snaps* outfoxed me again.

He hangs up the phone just as Charlie walks in with a worried expression.

Charlie: Please tell me that was a patient calling.

KeeKee: I'm afraid it was one of Angel Dust's pranks, Charlotte.

Charlie: Again? *sighs* That's the seventh one this week. If this keeps up, we might never get a new patron.

Bendy: Aw, relax. It's just a few prank calls. It's not like he's actually hurting anyone.

Later on, Niffty is seen picking up a broom as she proceeds to sweep. However, she tries to set it down, only to see it stuck to her hand. She tries harder to pry the broom off, only to be met with the broom still stuck to her palm. She slams it onto the floor with multiple grunts and steps on it to try and pull it off, only to show a blob of glue being the culprit of Niffty's bond with the broom.

Niffty: *grunts* Angel!

Next, we see Husk at his bar, having just got done wiping the inside of a glass. He takes a sip of a bottle of booze near him, only to immediately grow disgusted and spit it out. Angel is shown to come from under a table, laughing.

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