Overlord Overload

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In front of the Hazbin Hotel, a car drives in front of the Hotel's door as a crowd of reporters stand. Ren and Baxter exit the car and walk up to the front doors, with the reporters yelling overlaps as they take pictures.

Baxter: People, people, please! We're only two demons. One at a time

Reporter: Dr Sterling, Dr Moreau! What are your thoughts about the new Cleanse deadline?

Ren: My fellow Hellfolk! We at RenTech Industries have always been at the forefront of innovation. And now, with this new oncoming threat, we are shifting our focus, to your protection. We are pleased to announce-

The screen zooms to him and an ad featuring the RenTech logo, now gold and with angelic wings, with the tagline reading...

Ren: RenTech Angelic Security is coming soon! Remember, if it's not from RenTech, it's just tech. No more questions.

Both imp and Sinner quickly run into the Hotel as Baxter then turns to Ren.

Baxter: Um, Ren? Love?... When did we begin working on Angelic Security?

Ren: Thirty seconds ago. *walks* Try to see if you can update the blast shield schematic, I don't that bitch Carmine beating us to the punch on that shit.

Baxter walks off and goes to the door leading to the basement as Ren goes to the lobby, where he sees Vaggie standing bear the fireplace, Angel Dust lounging on his phone, and Charlie pacing back and forth in panic mode.

Ren: Alright; lay it on me. What's our blueprint?

Charlie: Okay, so... the Cleanse is coming in 6 months instead of a year. No big deal. Just a little setback. Nothing we can't handle. Just angels cutting our timetable in half in a secret genocidal ploy. But who needs a whole year to save souls? Am I right?! *starts to panic* And next time when they cut the time in half again, and again, we'll just handle it, right?!

Vaggie grabs Charlie, calming her down.

Vaggie: Yes! We will.

Angel: Oh, please, ya had less then half a chance when you started all this salvation bullshit. And now... Ain't no silver lining this time, toots.

Charlie: Sure there is! We just...have to look a little harder for it! The Cleanse' have been getting shorter with each Sinner we're getting to Heaven, right? If we can get ONE, JUST ONE, into Heaven, maybe it can show the Hotel still has value.

Angel: Well, while you're lookin', the rest'a hell's goin' nuts. People are already freakin' out about the news. Look at what's happenin' in the Doomsday District.

He scrolls down an article with the bottom showing a demon screaming in front of a fire.

Ren: Oh, my.

Charlie: Is... Why is that guy crowning and about to sit on that man's face?

The spider panics and retreats the phone back.

Angel: Aah, heh, you don't need to see that, it's pretty weird. Like I said, everyone's losin' their shit.

Vaggie: Yeah, that's true.... Sinners are becoming desperate. Maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape the extermination?

Charlie: *gasps* This could be the opportunity we need to recruit more s

Sinners for the Hotel!

Angel: Cute idea and all, but you really gonna go out in all of this?

He waves the phone with the place still on fire and demons in panic.

Charlie: Well, it's not like people are just gonna show up on our doorstep.

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