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With a twin that ran a Sinner rehabilitating hotel, it was hard for Chuck here to get some private time with his sister. But today that would change. The Hotel had a hge influx of all the willing patients going to Heaven, leaving the Hotel practically a Ghost town besides the current residents.

Chuck adjusted his tie in the mirror as he threw on his newest accessory, a royal blue tuxedo jacket to counteract Charlie's bright red one. He exited his room and descended to the lobby to see Charlie conversing with Vaggie.

Vaggie: So, you say you want to do ANOTHER interview on the News to get more business at the Hotel?

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Vaggie: So, you say you want to do ANOTHER interview on the News to get more business at the Hotel?

Vaggie spotted the Prince sneaking behind her bride. She looked in confusion, but Chuck smirked and placed a finger over his lips, signalling her to stay quiet.

Charlie: I was just thinking since *demonic* ⛥ K̷̨̲̜̦͑̿̓̈́ḯ̷̼͍̪̜̃̐̈́̚l̵̛̜͔̭l̸̨͕͔̟̞̏̐̕̚j̵̥̩̓̇ơ̴̢̻̤̖̍̚y̸̥͝ ⛥ *normal* is locked up and 666 News is under new management, I could give an interview a second shot. I just hope this'll be better than- woah!

She yelps in surprise and turns around to find Chuck hugging her from behind. Smiling brightly, she hugs back as the siblings spin each other around, laughing like giddy children.

Vaggie: *chuckles* Enjoying yourselves?

Chuck: Sorry Vags, but I'm gonna need to steal your wife for a bit.

The male demon grabbed his sister's hand and led her out of the Hotel and into the street.

Charlie: Chuck, what are you doing?

Chuck: I just want to spend some time with my sister, is that too much to ask?

Charlie: Of course not, but where are we going?

Chuck: Two words, sister dearest.......



The Prnce marveled at the sight of the ice cream shop in front of him while Charlie looked in confusion.

Charlie: Why did you just say that?

Chuck: Remember when I said, "Two words, sister dearest"? I was just finishing the thought.

Charlie: But, you said that 20 minutes ago.

Chuck: Well, imagine that you're an outside observer, just watching pieces of the conversation.

Charlie:.....Is this why Bendy talks to nothing sometimes?

Chuck: How should I know? I've only known him and have been awake for 3 weeks. But, it astounds me that this shop has still been opened.

Charlie: Yeah, but I haven't visited ever since you went missing. Too many sad memories.

Chuck: Oh come on, all my friends don't trust me that I've been in a coma for almost 70 years. Apparently, they don't "like" or "trust" me. Plus, my sweet tooth has been starving for sugar sweetnes and sister sweetness.

Charlie: But, I have work.

Chuck: It can wait, let's just have a twin day. Just the two of us. *cue big eyes* Pwease?

Charlie smiled and nodded her head at her brother.

Charlie: You're using my own secret weapon against me? *sigh* Okay, but it's back to work after your plans. Okay?

Chuck: I keep no such promises, but I'll agree to make you go in.


The two are then seen in the shop, sitting at a table near the window and eating their ice cream. Chuck had gotten a scoop of red velvet chocolate he enjoyed from a cup while Charlie simply licked away at a vanilla cone.

Charlie: Ah, this really takes me back to when we were kids.

Chuck: Yup. But there's something missing.

Charlie: What's that?

Chuck: This.

Chuck pressed a finger into his ice cream and proceeded to put some on the tip of his sister's nose. Charlie had to cross her eyes to see it, but when she did, she giggled and did the same to her brother. Th two laughed as they continued to eat their ice creams after cleaning their noses.

Charlie: So, did you tell Mom and Dad that you're not dead?

Chuck: Kinda, I invited them to go out to dinner so you could reintroduce us.

Charlie: How'd you do that without giving yourself away?

Chuck chuckled to himself and spoke, but this time, he did a perfect impersonation of Charlie.

Chuck: *Charlie's voice* I didn't, because you did.

CHarlie: *laughs* I forgot we taught each other to do that. Bendy can actually impersonate anyone. One time, he spent an entire goddamn day talking in anyone's voice except for his own. Niffty legitimately thought there were two Me's in the Hotel.

Chuck laughed at this as he quit his impersonation. Charlie joined in the laugh fest too as they finished their ice creams and exited the shop. The two walked down the street, back to the Hotel to prep for tonight.

Chuck: Okay, we have dinner with Mom and Dad at 6. So, we better prepare.

Charlie: Yep, hey thanks for the day out, Chuck. How can I repay you?

Chuck: No need, Charlie. You're my favorite sister.

Charlie: *giggles, hugs Chuck* I'm your only sister. That's why we're twins.

Chuck: *hugs back* And that's also why you're my favorite.

Suddenly, Charlie's phone rang. She picked it up, revealing the caller to be Lilith.

Charlie: Hey Mom.

Lilith: Hello, dear. I was just wondering if we're still on for dinner tonight.

Charlie watched as Chuck looked at the phone with a sad smile.

Charlie: Oh, y-yeah we are. At 6, right?

Lilith: Exactly. Now, can you at least give us a hint on what this thing you just HAVE to show us is? Your father is on pins and needles just trying to guess.

Lucifer: Woman, I am not!

Charlie laughed as Chuck smiled at their bickering. She looked at her twin and had a bit of a gleam of mischief.

Charlie: Actually, it's not something. It's someONE. *holds the phone to Chuck* Go on, say hi.

Chuck stood in shocken stupor, but swallowed his pride and spoke into the phone.

Chuck: H-Hi Mom. Dad.

On the other end of the line, Lilith could be heard gasping and the sound of glass breaking could be heard. Lucifer probably dropped something. It was silent, but Lilith shakingly answered back.

Lilith: C-Charles? Baby, is that you?

Chuck smiled as he gained a few tears in his eyes.

Chuck: Yeah Mom, it's me. I'm home.

THE END........................

Huh, an episode without an appearance from Bendy for one. Weird. Suddenly, Bendy popped up from the side of the screen.


THE END (for real this time)

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