Broadcast From Hell

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After Bendy returned from Heaven, he was the talk of the town. He was bombarded with questions and explanations on what Heaven was like and traction on social media actually became better for the Hotel. Currently, Bendy yawned as he walked down the stairs one morning, smacking his lips before an oddly familiar scent caught his nose. Taking a long step down with a stretched leg, he reaches the lobby to see Husk at the bar with a steaming coffee maker.

Husk: Morning.

Bendy: Uh, hey, Husk. What's up with the smells?

Husk: Cappuccino. Vaggie gave me the idea to serve coffee in the bar in the morning. Seemed a natural fit, so I bought this here machine while you were out giving out flyers with the girls' yesterday.

Bendy: That's... Wow, that's actually a pretty good idea. *sits* Pour me a cup of your strongest, bartender. I feel like I'm gonna have quite the day on my hands.

Husk: *nods* Coming right up.

Lobo: *off-screen* What the hell's that incredible smell?

The Ink Demon turns to see Lobo descending down the stairs, Angel Dust right behind him as they reach the bottom.

Angel: I think it's coffee.

Husk: *joking* Well, what do you know? Your noses still work. What will you two have?

Lobo: *smirks* Never thought I'd see the day you drank something without booze in it, Cat.

Husk took a swig of his coffee from a mug reading "Fuck Mondays", before he opens a flask and pours the schnapps inside it into his mug.

Husk: Who says there's not?

Both spider and hellhound join Bendy at the bar as Husk hands the Ovrlord a steaming mug. He takes a sip of the coffee, only for his eyes to fly open into white balls of white with pinprick pupils, his teeth grit, and his body to tense up while his tail grows stiff and jagged. A red complexion escaltes up his body and his bowtie spins like a propeller before steam billows out the top and sides of his head, creating a shrill whistling as his complexion turns back to normal and Bendy pants heavily while Husk laughs his ass off.

Bendy: Holy crap, Husk! What the fuck is this?!

Husk: Sextuple espresso. You said you wanted it strong.

Bendy: I... I did... It's good, man. Just... make sure Niffty never gets ahold of this.

His comment brought amicable laughter from all as Lobo and Angel got their own coffees.

Angel: You okay, B? This is the first time I've seen you out of bed all mussed. I didn't think that could actually happen.

Bendy takes another sip and twinges, but shakes it off.

Bendy: I'll be fine, Angel. Just... trying to get back into a suitable sleep schedule after spending 3 days in Heaven... It is VERY bright up there.

Lobo: I can only imagine.

Soon, Charlie and Vaggie descended down the stairs, the former being on the phone with someone as Vaggie approached the bar.

Vaggie: Damn. Something smells good.

Bendy: And now, something looks good.

The moth catches a laugh, but chuckles as she sits next to Bendy, planting a kiss on his cheek as she clasps his hand with hers.

Angel: So... That's an actual thing that's happening from now on?

Bendy: Yeah, Charlie and Vaggie agreed we were gonna be in pol.... Poly... a polymer relationship.

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