Fatherly Fawn-ess

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The streets of Pentagram were bustling with demons and possible traffic, but unknown to any of them, the shadow of Mephisto lurked around every corner, slithering around and leaping into shadows like a snake.

Mephisto: MuCh HaS cHaNgEd WiThIn ThIs ReAlM fRoM mAnY eOnS aGo.....

As the shadow continued his trip, he stopped as he sensed a highly strong Argent signature. Swiftly following the power trail, Mephisto looked from the shadows of an alley to spot Alastor humming to himself as he walked up to the Hazbin Hotel.

Mephisto: ThIs OnE's PoWeR...... It Is InTrIgUiNg.......

As Alastor opened the door and was about to step inside, Mephisto drew ever closer, deciding to stay outside the Hotel and spy from outside.


Meanwhile in the lobby, Vivian was trying to convince Charlie of what was to come, but obviously to no avail.

Charlie: Vivian, please stop. I don't like you saying things like this. Your grandfather isn't doing anything evil or creating some sort of sinister plot.

Vivian: But Mom, it's true. A teen version of me from the future came back to teach me how to delete a search history and she told me about Grandpa enacting some evil plan.

Charlie: You obviously dreamt it, hon. Why can't you just tell me the truth of how you heard this?

Vivian: Because telling the truth doesn't work.

Charlie: And how do you know?

Vivian: Because I've been telling you the truth for the past hour.

Before either could say anything, Alastor entered the Hotel lobby from outside, waving at the two.

Alastor: Afternoon, ladies.

Vivian: Hi Grandpa.

Charlie: Hey, Alasto-..... *annoyed* Alastor!

Alastor: Yes?

Charlie: You just tracked mud on the carpet!

The Radio Demon looked behind him, spotting a trail of muddy hoofprints leading from outside.

Alastor: Hmm, well isn't that a mess.

Charlie: Niffty just cleaned it yesterday.

Alastor: T'wasnt me. I stepped in no mud whatsoever on my romp throughout this great Ring.

Charlie: They're clearly the hoof grooves from your shoes, Al.

Alastor: Then there is certainly an imposter among us.

Charlie: They lead directly to you!

Alastor: Clue number 1: The culprit is a ghost.

Charlie: Please stop this, Alastor.

Alastor: Well, I shall chat with you later, my dears. I'm going to retreat to my room in the meantime after such a nice walk.

As the Overlord walked off, the Princess sighed and looked to her daughter.

Charlie: See, Vivi? That's why you have to stop lying, you'll end up like your grandfather.

Vivian: Okay 1: I'm telling the truth. And 2: You're saying lying will make me a highly renowned, successful, and powerful demon that is feared by even the most vile of scum in Hell?..... Should I lie more often then?


Alastor rocked his head from side to side as he hummed a tune as he walked to his room, only to hear Bendy scream in horror.

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