The Lady Of The Forge

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Bendy paced in the Hazbin Hotel lobby, a look of worry and anticipation on his face as he paced, creating a circular groove in the floor. Loud crashing and screaming is heard from outside as tires are heard skidding and Pentious comes into the lobby through the front door, his back against the door as he pants in horror.

Bendy: Pen, there you are! Did you get the thing?

Pentious: Bendy, the taxi I took was INSANE!

Bendy: Huh, really.... But did you get the thing?

Pentious: The entire fare To and FROM Sloth cost me over 793 Soullix!... Plus tip!

Bendy: Geez... So, did you get the thing or not?

Pentious: It was as if we were going at the speed of light, Bendy! Like through crowds of people, in the ocean of Envy, jumping over shit! I had my eyes closed for most of it, but I believe people died.

Suddenly, the toon loses his patience as he grips Pentious' shoulders and shakes him, snapping him out of his shock.

Bendy: Look, Pentious, that taxi won't matter if we're all dead in the next 5 months! Did you get the thing from Sloth I asked you to get or not?!

Pentious: OH!... Oh, right, yes. Here.

He gives Bendy a metallic box from within his coat, which Bendy takes as he releases Pentious and allows him to drop onto the floor.

Bendy: Finally, this is it!

Pentious: Why did you have me use my status as King Charles' royal advisor to go to a Deadly Sin's private compound in Sloth, anyway?

Bendy: Don't you remember? When we were in Lust, Asmodeus said that he had something in Sloth to help with the incoming Order of Urdak, but Sloth was in monsoon season. With it over, we could finally get just the thing we might need to stop those angels!

Charlie comes down from the stairs, Vaggie and KeeKee right behind her as they enter the lobby.

Charlie: Pentious, you're back!

Vaggie: Did he manage to do it?

Bendy: He just gave it to me, honey. Behold! Our greatest weapon against the Khan Maykr!

He opens the box and reaches inside... only to pull out a small sample of glowing metallic material with a golden sheen.

Bendy: Uh... It's uh.... It's a rock.

Pentious: It appears to be a raw sample of some metallic alloy.

Charlie: Why would Ozzie give this to us instead of something more... Uh, how do I put this?

Vaggie: Useful. The word you're looking for is useful.

KeeKee: I'm afraid you are mistaken, Miss Vaggie. THIS... is plenty useful. And I'm surprised an individual such as Lord Asmodeus has this.

Bendy: You know what this is, KeeKee?

KeeKee: That I do. It is-

A high pitched scream comes from off-screen, which is revealed to have come from Ren as he eyes the metal and swiftly tip-toes over, gazing at the metal in awe and splendor.

Ren: Where did you get a sample of Draupnirite?!

Charlie: "Draupnirite"? I thought that was a myth.

Ren: Oh, it is no myth, my princess. It is VERY REAL. And your husband has the only sample of it in his hands!

Bendy: What the hell is Dropnrite?

Ren: *emphasized* DRAUPNIRITE, Bendy, is a highly precious metal. It is a metal formed from the golden ring of the legendary king god of the north; Odinson.

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