Sewer Skippers

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We cut to a metallic dark tunnel, where the pair of dripping black arms kept dragging Bendy down the pipes, the Overlord screaming as he tried fighting back against the arms, but to no avail.

Bendy: You son of a bitch hand! I keep telling you, let me go!

Finally, he slips out of a pipe, plopping onto a concrete surface as the arms retreat into the darkness. As Bendy groans and sits up, he looks around, dreadfully realizing he was in the city's sewer system. As Bendy looks around, getting onto his own two feet, a familiar voice sounds out. A voice that sends chills down the demon's non-existant spine.

???: There we go now, nice and safe. We wouldn't want our sheep roaming away now, would we? No, we wouldn't......

Bendy: Wait.... That voice....

Wet footsteps sound off in the distance as Bendy turns around, a pair of glowing blue eyes illuminating from the darkness, which get closer and closer as a body is seen finally coming into light from the grates above. The blue eyes belonged to another Bendy, which were simply reflections of its pie-cut eyes on their face. This one was a lot leaner than Bendy or Henry, with skinny sharp fingers and a bulbous glove on one hand and the other hand replaced by an axe blade. He had a longer tail and a blue eye on his forehead to make his jagged grin more sinister. He wore a pair of torn white overalls, a black cape, and black cleats. But what made him different from Bendy was that his body was graffitied with glowing blue streaks, the ones on his body similar to veins as blue stained the end of his cape.

 But what made him different from Bendy was that his body was graffitied with glowing blue streaks, the ones on his body similar to veins as blue stained the end of his cape

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Bendy: Sam?...... What.... How....

Sammy: I must admit, I am honored you gave me a way to fetch you, just to visit me...... Old friend...... It almost makes what I'm about to do seem cruel. But the brush.... They must honor their savior. I must have the great brushlord notice me.

Bendy: "Brushlord"? What kind of... Wait, that blue on you.... How'd you find that paintbrush?

Sammy: It doesn't matter, for our lord is calling to us, dear Benjamin. The time of sacrifice is at hand! And then, I will finally be freed from this... prison. This crimson... deathly.... abyss I'm forced to call a home.

Bendy: Sam, listen. You're not right in the head. You need help.

Sammy: Quiet! I have been dragged back into this abyss thanks to the likes of you! I won't let you ruin my plans of escape again!

He launches his axe hand at Bendy, who stretches out of the way as he runs at Sammy, who keeps swinging the bladed limb, which is countered by Bendy's pen.

Sammy: Stand still and put your face in my axe!

Bendy: Yeah, I don't think so!

Sammy grabs Bendy by the waist and holds him still, just enough for Bendy to punch him in the face a few times. But it wasn't enough to overpower him as Sammy slammed him into the concrete walkway and held him down just as he held up his axe hand.

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