Channel To Channel

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Within the Hotel's lobby, Bendy is seen flipping through the channels on the TV, each channel only having static. With each button press he does, he grows more and more frustrated at his failure to find anything to watch as he grunts and throws the remote through the floor. Charlie sees this as she walks in, eyes wide at the sight of the remote boring through the carpet.

Charlie: Something wrong, hon?

Bendy: My favorite show's gonna be on and guess what? THE TV'S ALL FUCKY!

Charlie: Huh, that's... odd. You're the 8th person to complain about that along with the other guests.

Bendy: Yeah, well it could be worse. Could be interrupting the official release of our series. *scoffs* Like that'll ever happen.

Suddenly, a whispering sound comes from off camera, Bendy turning to the sound.

Bendy: What?... What do you mean I can't make those jokes anymore?... W... There's an actual release date?!

Charlie: Wait, there's a release date for the show?

Bendy: Apparently.... *to off-camera* In January? Huh, I'll be damned... Took them almost 5 years, but they did it. Well, maybe we can make those jokes for Digital Circus, I dunno. Now, where were we?

Charlie: The TV?

Bendy: Oh, right.

He takes a deep breath, but before Bendy could rant again, the static winks out for a moment. A badly distorted black and white face appears before more static shows up as various shots of the face gradually become clearer as a familiar, almost haunting voice speaks up through the TV.

???: Nothing is wrong with your television..... Do not attempt to change the channel.... Your regularly scheduled program will not be seen because I am controlling the transmission. I control the horizontal. I control the vertical. And those buttons on your remote that don't seem to do anything?... I don't know what they do, but it doesn't matter!... From this moment on, your television....

Both demons stare in shock as the face becomes fully clear, revealed to be the sneering face of Vox herself.


The face of Vox laughs maniacally as the screen fizzles, her laughter echoing throughout the lobby.

Bendy: Vox?!

Charlie: But... But that's impossible! You said she was dead!

Bendy: I did, I saw it myself. Something's really wrong, we gotta get Re-

Suddenly, a ball is thrown through the window, exploding into a bola that wraps around Charlie's neck. The princess collapses and gags as she tugs on the bola while Bendy looks in shock and attempts to help as suddenly, Cherri walks in.

Cherri: Uh, hey guys. Uh, I came to see if Angie wanted to hang, but uh... I think one of my bombs slipped out of my bag when I went to organize them, I was wondering if you saw it. It's a choker bomb, more like a choke tie, really, and- *notices sight* Oh..... Oh shit....


Later, Charlie is in the medbay, getting her throat checked by Ren as Bendy, Vaggie, Angel, and Cherri stand by.

Vaggie: Anything major?

Ren: Hmm.... Bit of swelling along the inner walls, but nothing some tea and honey and my healing ray can't fix.

Bendy: You have a healing ray?

Ren: Yeah, I mean, it's Hell. Anything's possible. Baxter, coul-

Baxter comes up to Ren, handing him an odd-looking ray gun.

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