Collin's Fading Hope

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It was a Sunday as Bendy and C.H.E.R.U.B met with Sadiki on the Ascension Deck to bring up 3 more souls into Heaven. A trio of former street thugs wanting to become better than who they were, since they had to steal money to provide for their families. As usual, Cletus handed Sadiki the weekly progress report for their redemption count. Though, Sadiki was disappointed this week.

Sadiki: Out of 3 souls to redeem, you three only managed to trun one. *tsk tsk tsk* This will not sit with Lord Michael.

Cletus: Of course, sir. We're sorry, but for some reason we just can't seem to focus.

Collin: This is mostly me to blame. I-I'm not good at this sort of thing, Sir.

Sadiki: Well, you're all making progress. I'll see you all soon.

Bendy: Next week, same time?

Sadiki smiled and nodded as he went into the beacon to go back to Heaven. Before it dissipated, Collin flew up and tried to place his hand inside it. Though, he was shocked and recoiled in pain due to his halo being sapped of the holiness needed to enter.

Keenie: Collin, you already know that won't work. We've tried before. Multiple times.

Bendy: What's going on, Coll? Something got you stressed?

Collin: Well, I guess you could say that....I have doubts.

Cletus: Doubts? Why?

Collin: *sigh* Think of this, Cletus. We've been in Hell for 2 months and we're not redeeming many souls. We don't know how many we need to redeem in order to return home, what if we don't get enough? W-What if we're actually stuck down here?

The two cherubs looked at the blue lamb in sadness and hugged him.

Keenie: Don't think like that. We'll go back, we just know it.

Bendy: Listen, Collin. You're obviously becoming overstressed. Maybe you need a break. How about you take tonight and tomorrow off? Y'know, clear your head?

Collin: *reluctant* Well,....okay. If that's what you guys think is best.

Cletus: Don't worry, Colly. Just get some rest.

Keenie: We'll try harder together on the next day.


Collin flew into the lobby of the Hazbin Hotel as he unknowingly landed on a stool at the bar, catching the attention of a conversing Husk and Matilda.

Matilda: Hey, you're of those heaven guys that've been staying here. What? Is Heaven having an overpopulation problem?

She chuckled at her own joke as Collin just sighed in sadness. Matilda stopped laughing as she noticed this and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Matilda: Hey, are you okay?

Collin: To be honest ma'am, no. This whole 'redeem souls' deal sounded easy on day 1. But,I just can't do it. I just feel so.....stuck.

Husk: Oh, I know that feeling. I have just the thing to help.

Husk reached at the shelves behind him and pulled out a bottle of cheap booze. He placed the bottle in front of Collin as he popped off the cap.

Husk: On the house, kid.

Collin: What?! B-But I can't drink! It's a sin!

Husk: No, it ain't It's in the bible.

Matilda: Yeah, something about Jesus turning water into wine.

Collin: Well....I don't know.

Husk: Relax, B said that alcohol is fine as long as, as long as we don't get...gunk. Yeah, I think that's what he said. So, clean yourself up and take a bath after.

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