Casa Da Sydney

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We open up to the Hazbin Hotel lobby, where Vivian and Ghost are chaperoning Sydney, Cheshire, and Marx up the stairs to her room.

Vivian: So, what do you guys want to do?

Cheshire: Maybe we should try a bit of reading?

Sydney: Eh, I'm a bit too drained for reading.

Marx: How about we FUCK, i mean play hockey?

Vivian: Hockey?

Ghost: 'What even is that?'

Marx: ..........I don't know.

Vivian: How about we just go up and play video games?

Sydney: Okay, anything you want, baby~.

Cheshire: Regardless of your flirting, I'm down for playing video games.

Marx: Yeah.

The group of kids continued to talk, when suddenly, Bendy leapt forth, blocking their way to the top floor. The children looked in confusion as the Overlord appeared to be wearing a gas mask.


Vivian: W-What's wrong, Dad?

Sydney: Hey Mr R, nice gas mask.

Bendy: Thanks. Sorry kids, but you and your friends need to get out of the Hotel today.

Vivian: What?!

Ghost: 'Why'?

Bendy: Your Ma recently found out that we got Hellmites crawling in the walls, so we're your Unlce Arackniss..... *chuckles* Such a stupid name.

Vivian: *giggles* Yeah, it's pretty funny. So, what about Hellmites?

Bendy: Oh, right. So apparently, we got Hellmites and since Niss is an exterminator, we're having him bug bomb the Hotel.

Sydney: You're bombing the Hazbin Hotel?!

Bendy: Uh.... Yes?

Marx: Well, where the DOCUHE are you all gonna live?! What about the SHIT-EATING Sinners and their GOD HELL MACARENA CHILD DICKHOLE......... What about your patients?

Cheshire: No no Marx. Not a literal bomb, they're just using bug spray.

Sydney: Really? Bug spray? Why not just say "spray the Hotel"?

Cheshire: It's like a really big sprayer.

Bendy: Thank you, smart friend.

Cheshire: My name's Cheshire.

Vivian: Well, where are we supposed to go?

Bendy: I don't know. The playground or the big top at your school....... Oh, why not just go to your friend's house? You guys just need to stay out for a few hours.

Ghost: 'But, where will you go?'

Bendy: Oh, I need to stay behind and help your father and your mothers evacuate the Hotel. Vivi, if you or your sibling need me or your parents, just call me or head to the Castle. Uncle Chuck and Nana Lilith will be waiting for you there.

Vivian: O-Okay, Dad.

Bendy nodded as he lifted his gas mask, kissing both his children on their heads as he went off on his way. With the new information, the 5 went down the stairs to the lobby.

Sydney: Well, this puts a dent in our plans. Where do we go now?

Vivian: Marx, Chesh, can we go to either of your houses?

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