Vivian's School Daze

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At the Hazbin Hotel, Charlie looked at the fridge door, but what she was mostly looking at was Vivian's last school packet from Matilda's home studies, being marked with an A+. Vivian had a bit of an affinity for learning and she had called Matilda down to the kitchen after Vivian went to bed to discuss new schoolwork for her to complete.

Matilda: *walks in* Hey, Charlie.

Charlie: Oh, Matilda. Thanks for coming by this late to talk.

Matilda: No problem. So, what is it?

Charlie: Well, the new semester is coming up and you know Vivian just turned 10 last month. So, I wanted to discuss what subjects these new work packets would entail.

At this, the former Mayberry gained a guilty expression, slightly looking away from the Princess.

Matilda: Um, Charlie? I have a confession to make. Vivian.... Won't be getting any more packets from me.

Charlie: What?! Why?!

Matilda: I recently got a job as a teacher at a local school. I honestly don't feel like I can ascend without Husk's heart, so I decided that if I'm gonna stay here, I want to earn my keep. So, I got a job to pay you guys for me to live here.

Charlie: But, what about Vivian? If I tell her she won't be doing the work anymore, she'll be crushed.

Matilda: Well, I thought of that, and that's when I came up with this idea.....

The pink demon reached into her pocket, pulling out what looked like an enrollment form and gave it to Charlie.

Matilda: The school I'm teaching at is still looking for new students, so since I can't teach Vivian here, maybe she could learn there.

Charlie: You mean... let her attend public school? I don't know, she's never been before. Plus, Bendy hates the public educational system. He got it from one of ex-girlfriends. Ella, I think her name was. Anyways, he'd never allow it.

Matilda: Think about what's best for Vivian. I already filled out most of the form, all I need is your and your spouse's signatures. Come to my room as soon as you get them all.

Charlie nodded as Matilda ascended to her floor and went into her room. Grabbing a pen out of her pocket, she signed her name and went on to get the others, all that's needed now was to get Bendy to sign.


In Bendy's royal suite, he slept in his shared bed peacefully. That is until a hand shook him awake, the voice the hand belonged to revealed to be Millie.

Millie: Bendy.. Bendy honey, wake up. We need you to sign this legal form.

Bendy: *sits up, tiredly* What?.... W....What the hell is this?

Millie: It's a petition to allow Lucifer to execute anyone who mentions anything about the live action Disney remakes.

Bendy: Ugh, thank fucking God.

Taking out his own pen, Bendy signed the form and went back to sleep. Millie kissed her husband's forehead as he slept and looked to the door with a smile and a thumbs up, On the other side of the door, Charlie, Vaggie, and Moxxie smiled back at her.


The next morning, Vivian was seen asleep in her bed, Iggy sleeping close by her bed on a twin size mattress. The poor girl's sleep was interrupted however as Charlie shook her shoulder to wake her.

Charlie: Vivian, rise and shine honey.

Vivian groaned as she sat up, spotting Charlie and Vaggie standing next to her bed with light smiles on their faces.

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