Written For Romance

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There were few sounds sweeter to the ears of the youth than the last school bell on a Friday afternoon. The shrill ring of the dismissal bell echoing through the halls of Brimstone Elementary School was quickly drowned out by a cacophony of rapid footsteps, slamming lockers, and the excited chatter of students discussing their plans for the winter break. Within minutes, the empty corridors became a writhing sea of bodies, the students making their exit from school as quickly as possible so that they could begin enjoying their 3 weeks of freedom.

Vivian made her way through the doors as she smiled at the feeling of freedom as her friend group trudged behind her. Sydney had to lug behind a bit to discuss her final grades, Cheshire caught up by their side while Marx and Ghost were conversing behind her.

Vivian: Winter break, I thought I'd never see the day.

Cheshire: Well, I thought it was obvious, since you know... Calendar.

Vivian: Thank Great Grandpa it's Friday, right G?

Ghost: 'Amen, sister. Especially from that history lecture.'

Marx: Exactly, dear friend. That ASSFACE could stand to be a bit more FUCKING animated ever now and again during his teaching....... SHIT!

Cheshire: So Vivian, do you and your family have any plans for Krampusnacht vacation?

Vivian: No, I think we're just going to stay home. What about you guys?

Marx: My dad's gonna be working some GODDAMN overtime at Ozzie's for the holdisay rush. It'll suck ASS if he has to work on the actual day.

Cheshire: My dads and I are visiting some family back in Gluttony on Krampusnacht.

Vivian: Huh, wonder what Sydney'll be up to?

Ghost and the others took notice of Vivian's slight blush as she mentioned Sydney's name, Ghost seemingly smirking at their sibling's hard crush. That was until said demon called out to them all as she joined them.

Sydney: Yo Viv, hold on!

Vivian: Oh Sydney, you're here! I mean, obviously you're here, this is school, and you go here now, with, uh, me... *blushes* I've been talking for too long.

Cheshire: How do you think you did on your test?

Sydney:Not sure, I'm just glad that shit's over. That math test was brutal. I'll be lucky if I get any grade higher than a C. But enough talk about school, Vivian, we need your help.

Vivian: Yes, definately, I can help...! With what, exactly?

Ghost: 'Simp'.

Vivian: *signs* 'Shut it.'

Sydney: It's nothing too big, it's just that, well... See, this magazine I'm subscribed to is hosting a short story contest.

Cheshire: Wow Sydney, I never took you as a writer.

Sydney: Eh, I'm fine with writing bullcrap as long as I can control that bullcrap, Garfield. See, I wanted to enter the contest, but first I need to pick the right story to submit. Would you like to be my beta-reader?

Vivian: *beaming* Do you even have to ask? I'd be honored to be your beta-reader!

Sydney: Great, thanks a ton Viv!

The serpentine shrugged her backpack off her shoulders and dug through it, pulling out a folder stuffed with loose-leaf notebook paper.

Sydney: I've narrowed it down to these stories. There's about 12 of them, mostly horror with some fantasy and thriller mixed in. I like dark shit. If you have any notes or constructive criticism, don't hesitate to let me know, aight? I'll come by your place tomorrow, then we'll talk, sound like a plan?

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