Heaven's Sin

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After the disaster of trying to convince Lyle Lipton to either accept death or remain alive, it's been nearly 7 days since C.H.E.R.U.B had been denied access to Heaven for the crime of accidentally causing a human's death. They were one of the best angels in Heaven for breaking the record of most human souls saved from grimly deaths so that they could have a chance of living. It had been Cletus' idea about a year ago to make their organization a means for those in Heaven to be given a reward to save the souls of their loved ones before death. For the past six months, it had been a success. At first, everything seemed to be going their way. Now thanks to I.M.P, they were going to be stripped of their holiness.

Since then, Bendy, who had befriended the three angels, allowed them to stay at the Hazbin Hotel. They were nervous, but they learned that not all demons are evil, in fact some of them, like Charlie, Bendy, and Vivian, can be kind. They also had to eat and drink as well, and the food of Hell tasted vile compared to what delicacies you got in the hereafter. There was also all the sinning going on that was driving Collin to despair.

He had wanted to try and stop as much as possible, but Keenie, Bendy, and Cletus had told him not to. If a cherub was seen in Heaven outside of a Cleanse, there was no telling what could happen. Thankfully, they were about to get the message of their dreams as Bendy knocked on the door the previous night.

Bendy: Okay, I called Sadiki and since he's coming tomorrow, I asked him if he can bring someone to talk about this whole thing.

Collin: And?

Bendy: *smiles* He said after he brings the soul upwards, he'll bring down the one that'll discuss the details.

The three cherubs looked in disbelief as they flew around and cheered.

Keenie: Did you hear that?! We have a chance to go home!

Collin: And good thing too! Tomorrow's Sunday! The All-Father's Day!

Cletus: Also, we'll need to get milk when we get back. The one at home is gonna expire on Monday.

Bendy chuckled at the cherub's enthusiasm and hope. But unknown to him, Blitz was watching from outside the room's window. His rage had subsided, but now what he felt was guilt. Not about those little heavenly shits. No, fuck them. But, he was guilty about how he treated Bendy. He was the one that helped his company remain successful and even brought him to Lulu world. But, all he did to thank him was give him a sharp tongue lashing and hostility. He sighed and decided to head home. He'd have to stop by a few stores on his way to work.


On the Ascension Deck, Sadiki had just taken the sinners. A lesbian couple sent to Hell for killing homophobic activists. Bendy stood as he watched the Cherubs as they prepared. Praying to God over at the small coffee table was Keenie, while Cletus was pacing back and forth in the air for their upcoming visitor and Collin was drinking some hot milk to help calm his nerves. After six nights of hoping and comforting each other, they were finally going to get someone from Heaven to talk to them. That annoying little slut, Deerie had acted so smugly that the three were denied access back home that Collin wasn't surprised that she was taking some glee in this. Bendy had made it his mission to help the three get home after being banished. That and to make sure that little Bambi bitch finds out what his boot tasted like.

Bendy: So, who was that chick, anyway? The one going all *perfectly imitates Deerie* Yeah, no. No no no.

Cletus: You mean Deerie? She's our HR (Heaven Resources) consultant.

Keenie: We've always had a bit of a bitter rivalry in High School. But, I thought she grew out of it when she applied to us.

Collin: Stupid jealous bi-no don't, Collin. Don't make it worse.

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