No Gauze For Alarm

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Bendy sat in the limo with Vaggie, the two leaving the door open. His fingers tapped against the leather of the seats, making a soft thumping sound.

Vaggie: Hon, please stop doing that.

Bendy: Sorry, I'm just worried. They said anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. It's been two hours.

You see, today was the day Charlie had to get her wisdom teeth removed. Ren nor Baxter had a liscence to do dental work, so they had to go with going to a dentist office in the city, though Bendy was rightfully worried about his wife.

Vaggie: Don't worry, these are trained medical professionals. They wouldn't dare to hurt the princess of Hell.

Bendy nodded, nearly jumping a foot in the air when he saw the door of the office open and a nurse emerged pushing Charlie in a wheelchair towards the vehicle. She had a clean white wrap around her head securing two ice packs to the side of her face, and pieces of gauze sticking out of her mouth. She smiled as she saw her husband and wife, raising both her hands and waving sloppily. Vaggie tried her hardest to hold back a laugh.

Bendy: Is she alright?

Vaggie: She's fine, Bendy. She's just still on anesthesia.

Bendy: Anesthesia? What the hell's that?

Vaggie: Oh yeah, medical stuff might've been different back when you were alive. The stiff's basically a gas you breathe in for surgery that makes you go to sleep so you don't feel the surgery. When you make up, you feel all loopy and happy for a little while.

Bendy nodded his head in understanding, spotting Vaggie help the nurse get Charlie into the limo and shut the door. Vaggie lead the princess to Bendy's seat, sitting her wife next to her husband.

Bendy: Hey babe, how're you feeling?

Vaggie: You feeling okay, hon?

Charlie spoke back, though her voice was muffled with the gauze inside of it.

Charlie: They sfole my teefh. An' my bloohd, too.

Vaggie: Charlie, the teeth were too underdeveloped to keep. You had to get them removed.

Charlie: Well, thafs a GOOD thimg! Makes em easier to remofve. But I sphill wanthed them though...

Bendy: Are you in any pain?

Bendy looked with a hint of anxiety, placing his hand on Charlie's shoulder. She shook her head, then proceeded to poke the center of his face.

Bendy: Uh....

Charlie: No noshe. You have no noshe.

Bendy: *blushes* C-Charlie...

Vaggie: You want me to take her from you, amore?

Bendy: Yes, please. Thank you, Vaggie.

Vaggie: *chuckles, reaches her arms out* Okay. C'mere, Char-Char.

Bendy helped shift the princess over to the Fallen Angel. As she sat down next to Vaggie, Charlie responded by completely hugging her wife as tight as she could.

Vaggie: Ack- Charlie-

Vaggie helped the princess situate herself in her seat as the limo pulled out and began driving back to the Hazbin Hotel. Charlie flopped against Vaggie, resting her head on her shoulder.

Charlie: You're sho comphfy.

Vaggie: Uh... that's nice...

Bendy laughed at the site, screaming on the inside as he watched Charlie nuzzle up against Vaggie's breast and making a purring sound.

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