Chapter Two

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Have another chapter cause why not, I'm on a roll.

Warning! Homophobic slur below, proceed with caution.

Leave a like if you like!

-Laken's POV-

Ash so owes me one for doing that for him, because of that I have had people staring at me all day, like they just found out I existed.

I didn't like it, I am much more comfortable hiding away in the shadows, never seen or heard unless I want to be, but I knew this would pass, nobody paid attention to me for long, not after those rumours got out anyway.

"So, the faggot can sing." Speaking of rumours.

"Back off, Brett, I was just doing my friend a favour, no need to poke your nose into this," I sighed.

"Oh, you mean your bum buddy, where is little ol' Ash, anyway?" I really didn't need this right now; I just want to go home, and binge eat in front of the tv all night.

"Why, you miss him?" I smirked.

"Pfft, yeah right, just wouldn't want him to miss out on the little show." He grinned and I had to force myself to not shiver in his presence.

"What show?" I knew I would regret asking but the words came out before I could even think.

"Brett! Come on, let's go," someone called, of course I recognised the voice, but I refused to look.

"Aw, but I was about to teach our little friend here a less-"

"Leave him, will you? I want to get out of here already so hurry the fuck up," I heard him call as I walked away, not really sure which direction I was heading anymore.

My phone ringing caught my attention and I found myself answering without checking the caller ID, something I do a hell of a lot more than I really should for someone who avoids everyone.

"Yeah?" I answered, let's face it, the only people that call me are spam callers and Ash.

"Hey, man, I'm really sorry but Miss Conny is keeping us behind for rehearsal today, would you be able to find another way home? I just don't think we'll be leaving here anytime soon." I could hear the guilt in Ash's voice, but it wasn't his fault, I was the one freeloading lifts off of him in the first place.

"Yeah, don't worry about it, I can get the bus," I said, instantly disliking the idea.

"Are you sure? What if you run into-"

"Seriously dude, it's fine, he left ages ago anyway so nothing to worry about, have fun at practice." I heard him sigh through the phone, before a lady's voice started screaming, and soon Ash was screaming back.

"Fine, just be careful. I'll see you tomorrow," he said before hanging up.

I really didn't want to take the bus, I suppose I could always walk, my house is about 30 minutes from here so it wouldn't be too bad. Only problem is I didn't bring a coat and it's below freezing out there.

Although really, I didn't have much choice. I was standing by the exit connected to the locker room, watching as light snow trickled to the ground. It had been snowing a lot recently but in short bouts, still unusual for where we lived.

It was beautiful to look at, but it was damn cold when you were out in it. I was currently trying to hype myself ready for the walk.

Just thirty minutes and then you can curl up on the sofa and eat your heart out, there's even a tub of ice cream you can indulge in.

With the thought of ice cream, I went to take my first step outside when a voice suddenly cut me off.

"Hey, sorry about my friends earlier, they got a bit excited, you really were great on stage though." I turned to where the voice was coming from, and was met with the guy who initiated the earlier conversation.

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