Chapter Forty-Four

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Anyone left with an innocent mind should probably skip this chapter, it is pure smut from start to finish so you won't be missing much by skipping over it. Please make sure you are of age; sexual terms are used.

If you decide to continue from here, I hope you enjoy!


-Kaygen's POV-

I kissed him back with just as much passion, my fingers digging slightly into his skin when I felt his teeth graze my lip, our lips moved in sync, pressing firmly together.

My eyes fell closed from the pleasure, his tongue flickering against my upper lip, sending a shiver down my spine.

I parted my lips, giving him entrance and his tongue delved deep into my mouth, tasting everything, and twirling delightfully with my tongue.

My head was spinning, and the kiss only got more desperate as he gripped my hips in a tight brace, pressing his body flush against my own.

With the lack of air from under the blanket and Nate stealing whatever air I had left; it didn't take long before I had to pull away for breath.

I quickly pulled the blanket away so I could breathe properly while Nate preoccupied himself, placing kisses down my neck, a growl left his lips, and soon he was pulling at my shirt.

He looked about ready to tear the material away from my body, so to avoid him ruining my shirt, I quickly removed it before laying back down in the same position, Nate didn't even hesitate before his lips were back on me.

He nibbled at my collarbone, trailing his tongue all the way down my chest and stomach, as I watched him with heavy breath.

Meanwhile, his hands explored every part he could reach, and I was soon overwhelmed by his touch, I felt him everywhere and I swear the moon only made everything more intense.

Nate completely overtook my senses, his eyes locked onto mine as he kissed down my stomach and I sucked in a breath, unable to break the eye contact as he seduced me.

His hands ran gingerly against my sides, consuming me with shivers and tingles, I couldn't take the teasing any longer.

My hand found the front of his shirt, pulling him up to me so we were once again face to face. My lips briefly touched his, while I started pulling his shirt up over his head, discarding it somewhere on the floor.

Then my lips were on his once again, pulling his body on top of mine, his heat hit me instantly and the tingles that travelled my chest had me moaning into his mouth.

Nate growled, pushing his tongue into my mouth once more as he practically pinned me to the bed.

I fiddled with the front of his jeans, trying to pop the button, which is harder than it sounds when you're flush up against each other.

I could feel his erection pressing firmly into mine through our jeans, but once Nate realised what I was trying to do, he lifted his hips slightly, giving the access I needed to pop the button on his jeans and pull down the zipper, slipping his jeans down over his waist.

Nate broke the kiss and pressed his forehead against mine, staring at me with those brilliant yellow eyes as he breathed heavily.

"Are you sure?" He whispered, the fact that he was still holding his wolf back, still holding himself back so he wouldn't hurt me, constantly provided me with the comfort I needed, and it was honestly impressive.

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