Chapter Thirty-Seven

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-Nate's POV-

My smirk was quickly replaced with a pout, will showing him my wolf be proof enough for him to believe me, or would he freak out if I did that?

"I could show you," I tried.

"Nah, I'm good," he shook his head.

"Oh, okay." I'm confused, how can I prove to him I'm telling the truth if he doesn't want to see my wolf?

The thought had my wolf whining in pity, but I pushed it away quickly, knowing how intimidating he can be, especially to humans.

You'll just have to wait.

I've gotten pretty good at being able to read Kaygen, but without us actually being mated there are still times I'm left clueless, now is one of those times.

I don't know Kaygen's stance on werewolves but being circled by rogues is definitely enough to scar someone for life.

With that in mind, it would be totally possible that he is just feigning ignorance because he is scared of the truth, but this is Kaygen we're talking about, so I can't be so sure.

At times like this I usually search out my alpha, so that's exactly what I did, I took Kaygen to the pack house.

He sat in the passenger seat with an amused smile the whole ride, I want to mark him, that way I would know exactly what was going through his head, then I'd be able to feel everything he does.

My mate was pretty silent other than that and let me drive him to the pack house, where I dragged him inside eagerly, quickly going from room to room looking for Damon.

We found him in the living room with another pack member who was distracted with his phone.

I used my hand to pull Kaygen along with me by his wrist and didn't stop until we were standing directly in front of Damon who looked up with a questioning gaze but didn't speak.

"Can you please tell Kaygen we're werewolves," I sighed, achingly. Damon stared at me in surprise and confusion for a moment before turning to Kaygen with a straight face.

"We're werewolves," he confirmed, but Kaygen's facial expression didn't change, he still looked highly amused.

"Okay," he said again.

"Just show him your eyes," the other pack member interjected, not bothering to actually look at us as he typed away on his phone.

"I have, he still doesn't believe me," I pouted, wanting in on whatever private joke was running around my mate's mind.

"Then show him your wolf," he tried again.

"He doesn't want to see me shift." The pout was prominent on my face and Damon noticed, he watched me with a raised eyebrow and an amused smile, someone please tell me what is so amusing?

Damon then went on to watch Kaygen closely, and it didn't take long for him to read something I couldn't.

He smirked, chuckling lightly to himself. I glared at my alpha, silently asking him to tell me what the hell is so funny, and I watched as he rolled his eyes.

"Of course he believes you, he saw them first-hand," he said, shaking his head.

"What?" I was dumbfounded as I turned to Kaygen who was struggling to hold back his laughter.

Was he...teasing me? Him teasing me? But wouldn't that mean he knew they weren't ordinary wolves?

Clever boy.

"I'm going to Laken's," Damon said, not looking up from his phone as he typed away to who I assume was Laken.

"Tell him I'm still sexy and I missed him," I joked, noticing the frown on Kaygen's face from the corner of my eye, while Damon glared at me. I laughed, turning to my mate with a smile.

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