Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Enjoy Nate simping for his mate XD

-Nate's POV-

Kaygen wasn't joking when he said he wanted to see the full moon drive me crazy, I was a little hesitant myself, he drives my wolf crazy at the best of times but with the full moon growing closer and feeding my wolf with more power, who knows how long I can hold onto my control for.

What confused me the most was how calm Kaygen was about everything, there is so much I still don't understand about him, does he actually want to mate with me?

Of course, there is nothing I want more but this is Kaygen we're talking about, I thought he'd be a bit more defiant, could it be possible that he's finally accepted himself, finally come to terms with the fact that he actually likes me.

The thought had me grinning from ear to ear, to even think about the future I could have with that boy, it left my heart feeling content and there was no better feeling than that.

But the more I thought about it, the more excited I got, the more excited my wolf got, he was disobedient when it came to our mate and that made it even harder to keep him under control.

How do you explain to your wolf that we need to go slow and take our time, when Kaygen was teasing us in such a way? He wanted this and that did nothing but excite us further.

I thanked Luna day and night for the mate she has graced me with, as there is nobody better in this world for me, I knew it.

Kaygen will also be leaving home soon, it seems his dad didn't return to the house much after he hit him, I was glad for that, I didn't like my mate being so close to him, especially now we knew how much more of a prick he actually is.

Meanwhile, Damon and Laken continued to grow closer, they still haven't mated yet, not that he would necessarily tell me if he did, but I'd be able to scent Damon on him instantly, there would be no hiding it from the other wolves.

Damon was going crazy too, I could tell, but I'm not sure he actually told Laken the full extent of the full moons power, which would definitely be interesting if that were the case.

The full moon was only a couple of days away and I couldn't concentrate in class, it was like Kaygen's scent was increased tenfold, he was everywhere but he wasn't close enough.

I was honestly scared to get close to him at this point, risking marking my mate at school was a dangerous thing, I can't afford to slip up like that and Damon would surely have my ass for it.

You could feel the tension coming from me and Damon as we sat in god knows what class, I could faintly hear the teacher talking but I didn't take in any of her words.

My eyes were glued to the window, my hands clenched tightly as my leg bounced on the spot. I needed a distraction but the only one I wanted was the cause.

Fuck, I didn't know this shit would be so intense, it was like my skin was burning, I wanted to know how Kaygen was feeling, because even though he wouldn't feel it as intense as I did, he'd still feel it, I forgot to tell him that part.

Shit, if Kaygen so much as touches me I might lose my shit. We still have two days but at this rate, I might have to get out of here before then.

"Are you two good?" Someone asked through the mind-link, I barely heard it, too lost in the madness that was slowly consuming me until I felt Damon nudge me.

I casted my eyes away from the window briefly, Damon was watching me in amusement and shared pain, whoever had asked the question quickly returned to their work.

"It's like the 7 stages of moon madness," he said, once he finally had my attention.

"What do you mean?" I asked, the seven stages of what?

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