Chapter Thirty

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-Nate's POV-

My lips fit perfectly against Kaygen's just as I heard the door open to what I assume was L's bedroom. Really? How come they get to make out and we don't? Don't tell me that's not what they were doing in there.

Kaygen didn't push me away so I assume he didn't hear it, I was tempted to ignore them and taste more of my mate, but I didn't want to embarrass him, not when he wasn't even open to me about us yet.

My lips left his reluctantly and Kaygen's eyes shot open in a questioning gaze. I side glanced towards the sofa, luckily the back of the sofa covered their view from us.

He got my gist quickly and his eyes widened, but I quickly pulled my phone out, slouching on the couch in a more casual position and Kaygen shot me a weird look before he seemed to get the idea and sat up slightly, his eyes glancing to my phone as if I were showing him something.

"What you doing?" Laken said in a sing song voice as he peaked his head around the sofa, his smile dropping into an annoyed frown.

"I was just showing Kaygen something," I grinned, glad L fell for it and didn't question it after that.

"Fine, let's order pizza, I'm starving!" L sighed, before throwing himself down on the armchair.

I sat up from my slouching position so Damon could take a seat but instead he walked over to the armchair and pulled L out of his seat, sitting down where L once was and pulling his mate onto his lap.

Lucky bastard.

"What does everyone want on their pizza?" Damon asked as he took out his phone.

"Pineapple and jalapeño's," Kaygen and L said at exactly the same time, that was pretty creepy. Wait, they want what and what?!

Kaygen and L stared at each other for a moment, it looked like they were about to burst out laughing but instead Kaygen said; "Don't copy me."

"I said it first," L threw back, glaring daggers at his twin.

"Did not," Kaygen rolled his eyes.

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"BOYS!" Damon shouted, as I rolled on the sofa, laughing my ass off. This was just way too amusing, but when Damon glared at me, I shut up.

"Don't encourage them," he said, I don't think I was encouraging them, I was simply enjoying the show.

"Anyway, pineapple and jalapeno? What kind of monstrosity is that?" I asked with a grin, my baby has really weird taste it seems.

"Don't knock it till you tried it," L defended, and Kaygen nodded in agreement.

"Meat feast?" I asked Damon, who nodded before making the call on his phone to a nearby pizza place.

"We need garlic bread." L turned to Damon in his lap with excitement filling his eyes, the little guy must really like food.

"And garlic mayo," Kaygen added, okay...the twins must really like garlic.

I was going to make a joke about not kissing him if he smelt like garlic but who am I kidding? I'd still kiss him.

Damon relayed our orders into the phone, adding an extra-large portion of cheesy chips on the side before giving them the address.

L managed to struggle out of Damon's grip with great difficulty and I was still jealous, I wish I could pull Kaygen into my lap like that, but I knew he wouldn't be happy with me if I did, it was killing me to be so close to him and not touch him, what kind of torture is this?

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