Chapter Nine

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The song connected to this chapter is the tune Ash is singing to, so you can get some idea of how it sounds.

-Damon's POV-

"Are you sure you're ready to go back?" It is 8am and I am pouring coffee in the kitchen, as Laken ran around trying to get his stuff together.

Laken has been off school for the past few days, which he practically slept through, but I didn't mind, it was nice feeling so close to him. He says he is feeling better and honestly, he looks a lot better too, but I am still hesitant.

"If I spend any more time in bed, I'm gonna get bedsores," he sighed, grabbing the cup of coffee from my hands, and taking a huge gulp which, he instantly regretted.

"It's hot," I smirked, catching the cup that he practically threw back at me.

"Thanks, I'm so glad you told me before I burnt my tongue," he spat sarcastically, my body shook with laughter as I blew on the coffee, taking a small sip so I wouldn't end up with the same fate.

"Seriously though, I'm feeling as fresh as a daisy, and not that I want to go to school or anything, but staying cramped up in here is driving me crazy, plus I think Ash will literally blow up my phone if I'm not back soon."

Ash really has been blowing his phone up, but since Laken was asleep most of the time he didn't really get the chance to talk to him. It was always, sorry I was asleep.

"Ash knows you needed rest so I'm sure he understands, he's just worried."

"That's why I'm going to put him out of his misery, so he can stop annoying me," he smiled, taking the coffee from me once again, this time he was a lot more hesitant as he brought the cup up to his lips.

He drank half before handing the cup back to me and grabbing his bag. How sweet of him to share my coffee with me.

I quickly finished the cup off before placing it in the sink.

"You ready?" I asked, grabbing my car keys.

"Yup." Laken put his shoes on, and then was out the door as I followed behind him, us both climbing into the car.

"Come find me if you start feeling ill again," I said as we approached the school.

"I'll be fine," was his response, does my mate have to be so stubborn? I pulled up into the parking lot and just as Laken was about to reach for the handle, I grabbed his arm.

"I'm serious, Laken. Even the slightest feeling that something is off, and you find me." Laken was watching me in surprise before he slowly nodded, a light blush colouring his features.

"Okay, I'll come find you."

"Thank you," I sighed in relief, letting go of his arm and we climbed out of the car.

Laken made plans to meet up with Ash before class, and I decided I should probably check in on Nate now I was less distracted. I'm still surprised he convinced Kaygen to sit at our table yesterday, and even more surprised it seemed like he didn't completely hate it.

But at least that means things are going well with him, so I'm happy for Nate either way. I wonder if I can get Laken to join us for dinner too?

I just don't want Laken to feel like he has to because he owes me one, he really doesn't, it is my own selfishness that kept me by his side the past few days.

Then again, what kind of mate would I be if I left him alone at a time like that? A bad one, that's what.

Laken and I went our separate ways with the promise to meet up later, and I found myself smiling as I wandered off to find Nate.

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