Chapter Twenty-Seven

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-Kaygen's POV-

"I DIDN'T!" I shouted, cutting Laken off as he glared at me, his face quickly morphed into one of confusion as he stared at me dumbfounded. This idiot never listens to me, he never has but this time I was going to make him listen, because I'm sick of this.

I want my brother back and fuck everyone who tries to stop me. They took everything from me and I'm not just going to lay back and take it anymore, I didn't have to, not with Nate by my side. Even if I am still confused by everything, even if I am a huge freaking idiot, I knew he wouldn't leave me anymore.

I am stuck with him. Good.

"W-what?" He stuttered with wide eyes and I sighed, I'm really about to do this, aren't I?

"Can we just talk, please? I'm tired of this feud between us, I'm tired of people trying to control my life!" I was infuriated, that much was obvious, but I couldn't take this much longer. I have to start taking control of my life.

I watched as he opened the fridge and took out another can of coke before offering it to me, I gingerly took it, sending a nod in gratitude before he led me into his living room.

The house was small, but it made me wonder how he even got it in the first place, but it was nice to know he wasn't living on the streets. I thought he would have stayed with Ash, maybe he did for a while but how would I know.

Laken took a seat on the couch, gesturing for me to join him and after a moment of hesitation, I did. I kept some room between us, knowing we'd probably get into multiple arguments before the night was over, I just hope he'll listen to me.

He didn't have to forgive me, in fact I never expected him to, but at least hear me out, don't spend your life hating me without even knowing the full truth.

My side of the story. The side I'd been forced to keep to myself for a whole year and I was miserable for the whole of it.

I stopped caring and it's Nate's fault I'm here now, it's his fault I started caring again, every time I closed my eyes, I could see his grinning face, it was persistent and annoying. It was comforting.

Laken remained silent as he sipped from his drink, probably just waiting for me to start talking, but I really didn't know where to begin.

There is so much he doesn't know, and I couldn't push back the feeling that he may see me in a new light after this, he was about to find out how much of a coward I truly am and that didn't quite sit well with me, but I swallowed my pride and began my story, dating back to a year ago.

"Do you remember that guy at the mall? The one you had a crush on?" I wasn't good at this, so my telling would be all over the place, that's something he'd just have to deal with.

I saw him roll his eyes as he tapped impatiently on his leg. "Yeah, you ruined my chance with him," he said, but he didn't seem all too bothered about that.

Of course, he's with Damon now, I saw them kiss in the car, they looked so natural together, like it couldn't be any other way, I wonder if Nate and I look like that? Like we belong to one another.

"I followed you because I knew you were going to meet him, I didn't even get the chance to explain because you wouldn't stop shouting at me, but I didn't stop you because he's a guy." I still had memories of that boy, he made me feel sick.

"Wait, what?" L looked dumbfounded, trying to understand what I was saying, and I sighed, realising I would have to spell it out for him.

"I don't care that you're gay, L. I never did."

"What?! You call me a faggot all the time," he glared, his voice raising in anger.

"Now I do, but I never did back then," I said matter-of-factly.

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